5 things to know about Sforza Castle in Milan

Sforza Castle | Milan

5 things to know about Sforza Castle in Milan

The first construction was erected around 1368, when Galeazzo II Visconti decided to build the “Castrum Porte Iovis”, a fortress on the area nearby a gate in Roman walls, Porta Giove.
It is square in shape with 4 square towers at the corners that allowed an easy exit route out of the city, in case people should have escaped from enemies. It was an efficient defensive wall, as well.

5 things to know about Sforza Castle ( Castello Sforzesco)

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5 things to know about El Greco

El Greco | A boy blowing on an ember to light a candle

5 things to know about El Greco

El Greco was the Renaissance artist who, more than other artists, developed a unique and personal style. He inspired generations of artists, and especially those who would be the protagonists of the 20th- century artistic scene.

There are still some obscure issues concerning El Greco’s life, but we know for sure that he rejected the Byzantine culture in favour of the Western culture, and created a unique style.

5 things to know about El Greco

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5 things to know about Maurits Cornelis Escher

 Drawing Hands | Maurits Cornelis Escher

5 things to know about Maurits Cornelis Escher

Maurits Cornelis Escher was a remarkable Dutch engraver. Anyone, in practise, knows his fascinating works, but not his name.

His works belong to that genre anyone can appreciate, but we don’t often know the artist who produced it.
Escher’s works have appeared many times on t-shits, on posters, on magazine and record covers. They have been quoted in movies and have become tattoos!

5 things to know about Maurits Cornelis Escher

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5 things to know about Scrovegni Chapel

  Giotto | Scrovegni Chapel

5 things to know about Scrovegni Chapel (Cappella degli Scrovegni)

The Scrovegni Chapel was consecrated on 25 March 1305 as a chapel-oratory dedicated to Santa Maria della Carità. It is one of the most beautiful masterpieces by Giotto, the father of the Italian art.

5 things to know about Scrovegni Chapel

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Artisti. Le 5 case-museo da visitare!

Leonardo 1

Hello everyone! Holiday over or yet to begin?
Over the next few weekends you could perhaps go and visit one of the most beautiful artists’ houses in Italy.
Here are my top 5 favourite artist’s house-museums!

As always, I look forward to your comments and suggestions on your favourite museum-homes 🙂

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