A new blog
Welcome everybody! It’s a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to my brand new blog! I have been thinking about a new look for my blog for a long time in order to make it more captivating and simpler to use.
Here is my new blog! It has been a long work but I think it has been worth waiting for, because this new blog makes me feel brand new, too.
This adventure started many months ago, but it hasn’t finished yet! I hope it’s just the beginning! I have a lot of exhibitions to talk about, a lot of events to organize and many pieces of art to show you. That’s why this space will be enriched with new chances to share our passion for art and beauty.
What’s new in my blog?
Well, the toolbar is always under the logo and it will allow you to find your favourite posts more easily, according to the topic you choose.
The structure of the post is always the same, more or less. But at the end of them you’ll find icons to share all on social media.
Besides, there’s a space where you can write your comments, your criticism and your suggestions. (Try then tell me what you think about it!)
On the left you can see the links to find some information about me and how to contact me; a link to discover all the events I’ve already planned and you can join in; a form easy to fill out which allows you to get the newsletter (if you subscribe to the newsletter, you’ll get a free small guide and you’ll always keep up to date with events I organize in collaboration with exhibitions, museums, cultural associations, tour guides, and all the new events I’m arranging); an enjoyable column called “5 things to know”, which will be enriched with new posts.
At the bottom of the blog you’ll find the social icons which will connect you to all my social networks(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, GooglePlus) in order to keep always in touch with me.
Moreover, there’s the so much longed-for English version, so that even foreign audience will be able to join in with our community.
I hope you like my new blog, and I can’t wait to know what you think about it!
I would like to thank Filippo and the Lotrek Web Agency for the new layout. (The correct pronunciation is Lotrèk, because it was named after Toulouse Lautrec. It’s a good omen, isn’t it?)
A warm welcome to Sara, who is dealing with the English version, and to Benedetta, who will write some posts about upcoming exhibitions and the relationship between art and cinema.
Then there’s Kekko. You probably caught a glimpse of him in the images of my profile on Instagram. He was the first who told me that it was necessary to create a simple, useful art blog which made you want to visit a museum. And above all, he was the first who told me that I should have tried to create something new.
I think I explained you everything. Now it’s your turn to discover my blog! Welcome you all!
congratulazioni per la nuova grafica e l’arricchimento del sito! aspetto il post sulla mostra di Piero della Francesca.
Grazie Elisabetta 🙂
Il post su Piero della Francesca è in arrivo e anche la guida breve.
Davvero ben fatto e comodo da navigare.
Grazie Alberto 🙂
Ciao Caterina,
ho curiosato con molto piacere il tuo blog appena rinnovato. Beh, c’è poco da dire: hai fatto un ottimo lavoro! Bella grafica, cercare quello che si desidera leggere è estremamente semplice…
è splendido come te 😀
Un abbraccio e in bocca al lupo per tutti i tuoi bellissimi progetti
Grazie Antonietta <3 ... chissà cosa penserebbe Michelangelo 😉