2016 is the year of Dada movement, because this year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the artistic movement born in Zurich in 1916.
After the events dedicated to this anniversary arranged in Zurich, where the movement was born, Italy celebrates this anniversary with an exhibition in Brescia, as well.
I wrote a post about the meaning of the term “Dada” and the importance of the Dada movement, but this exhibition marks the strong connection between this artistic movement and Italy, because Dadaists have points in common with the artists of the Futurist movement, which was born in Italy some years before 1916.
Sections of the exhibition
There are 270 works divided into 4 sections on exhibition at the Santa Giulia Museum, and the main protagonists of the movement are there: Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Francis Picabia, Paul Klee, and Julius Evola, the only Italian artist who was recognized as a Dadaist, but he was forgotten.
Why you should visit the Dada exhibition 2016
Brescia is near Milan, and if you are spending some days nearby, I suggest you a visit to the exhibition, because it’s the chance for you to understand Dadaism.
READ ALSO: the post containing my suggestions about the exhibitions to see in Milan.
Dadaism originated from the ideas of rebellious and young artists who, while the First World War was flaring, found refuge in Switzerland in order to live off of art, and to say “No to war”, but also “No to everything”, observing only one rule: following the random course of events.
Dada 1916.
Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia
Until 26 febbraio 2017
Trovo il movimento Dadà tuttora di estrema attualità, nonché il lavoro di alcuni suoi maggiori esponenti (Ernst, Picabia, Duchamp) tra i più affascinanti del XX secolo.
Anche io credo che Dada non sia ancora finito. L’arte contemporanea è quello che è grazie al movimento Dada, che è riuscito ad espandersi in tutto il mondo e a ispirare non solo altri artisti, ma anche registi e grafici.
L’uomo è più Dada di quello che crede 😉