Works by Keith Haring: About art

Keith Haring | mostre Milano


Those who live hard usually die young.
That was Keith Haring’s destiny, who lived only 31 years, and was an artist for about 12 years, but was able to create a new and still current artistic language even 27 years after his death.

Whenever I’m in a subway all over the world and I see graffiti or signs drawn by someone, I can’t help thinking of Keith Haring, who started from New York subway and then spread his signs and drawings all over the world.

Keith Haring | mostre Milano

In Haring’s works there are happiness and simplicity, but above all, life with its great themes: joy, death, fantasy, disease, and dreams everyone keeps into the depths of his heart.
The exhibition devoted to Keith Haring. About art arranged at the Palazzo Reale of Milan on view from February 21st to June 18th 2017, starts from one of his most representative and famous work, the “Radian Baby”, and ends where everything began, in New York subway.
In the middle there’s the creative story of this artist, who was able to create a new and still current, rather extraordinarily contemporary, artistic language.

READ ALSO: Keith Haring: things to know.

Several exhibitions dedicated to Keith Haring were arranged all over the world, but this one in Milan is unique because it retraces not only the career of a bright meteor on the international artistic scene, but it describes also his sensitivity and educational training.
Keith Haring loved classical art, pre-Columbian art, and the signs of Egyptian civilization, Pollock, Picasso, Matisse, Dubuffet, and Alechinsky. But he was able to re-elaborate and to transform a lot of references to the history of art in something completely new.
And all these inspirations can be found in the exhibition itinerary, such as, for example, the cast of the Trajan’s Column compared to one of his works, or his explicit references to pre-Columbian art.

Haring was a frank artist, who drew in one go and without interruption.
Just like Jackson Pollock did when he dripped the paint onto the canvas, Haring drew his drawings everywhere, putting his visions, his ideas of life and art in his works.
And I can see also my life in there, and I hope you can see yours, too.

Keith Haring | mostre Milano

Keith Haring | mostre Milano

Keith Haring | mostre MilanoKeith Haring | mostre MilanoKeith Haring | mostre Milano

Keith Haring | mostre MilanoKeith Haring | mostre MilanoKeith Haring | mostre Milano

Keith Haring | mostre MilanoKeith Haring | mostre MilanoKeith Haring | mostre Milano

Keith Haring. About art
21 february – 18 june 2017
Palazzo Reale, Milan


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2 thoughts on “Works by Keith Haring: About art

  1. Ciao, grazie per il tuo bell’articolo. Ho visto la mostra su Keith Haring a Milano domenica scorsa, con un amico che c’era già stato ma ora capisco benissimo perché l’abbia voluta rivedere, e condivido il tuo scritto. Una mostra che tutti dovrebbero vedere per rendersi conto che non era certo solo “quello degli omini colorati” (ma c’è ancora chi davvero lo pensa? Povero lui nel caso…), ma un artista molto più complesso e completo, dotato di uno straordinario talento accompagnato da una grande umiltà e semplicità. Uno che guardava al passato, ma coi piedi ben saldi nel presente del suo tempo e con gli occhi protesi al futuro (il bellissimo discorso che fa sul sentirsi come l’anello di una catena che compare sui muri della mostra).
    C’è ancora un po’di tempo, fino al 18 giugno per chi ancora non l’avesse vista o per chi, e anch’io sono tra quelli ora, avesse voglia di fare un meritato bis. Complimenti per l’interessante blog e per la tua contagiosa passione, percepìbile da ciò che scrivi.

    • Roberto hai colto perfettamente il significato della mostra, che è stato ribadito dagli organizzatori il girono dell’inaugurazione.
      Questa mostra serve per capire un artista che è stato prima capito dal pubblico e poi dalla critica storica. Cosa rara e preziosa perché lo ha proiettato direttamente nella storia dell’arte senza aver bisogno di “aiutini”.
      Sono contenta che ti sia piaciuta tanto e che tornerai a vederla.
      Grazie anche per i complimenti 😉

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