Artists and Works Cerca Leon Battista Alberti: Genius of Renaissance Architecture Where are the Riace Bronzes exhibited? The Ideal City in the Renaissance: the works of Urbino, Baltimore and Berlin Saint George and the Princess by Pisanello: analysis of a masterpiece St. George and the Dragon by Paolo Uccello: Symbols and Mysteries Masaccio’s Trinity: Renaissance masterpiece in Santa Maria Novella Donatello’s Gattamelata: Renaissance masterpiece in Padua The Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore: Brunelleschi’s masterpiece and symbol of Florence Life and Works of Louise Bourgeois: Who she was and what works she did Art and Tennis in the works of Velasco Vitali Life and Works of Willem de Kooning: who he was and what works he made The ceramics of Gio Ponti Willem de Kooning in Italy between painting and sculpture Between sculptural tradition and innovation: Filippo Tincolini’s workshop in Carrara The theft of Caravaggio’s Nativity with Saints Lawrence and Francis of Assisi Description of the lost Portrait of a Young Man by Raphael The upside-down images and works of Georg Baselitz History of the theft of the Mona Lisa Exploring the works of Agostino Ferrari: a journey through the art of the sign Vermeer’s concerto a trio: description of a lost masterpiece