Books to read for art lovers: the news of 2019

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Among the many innovations found in the bookstore, what are the new books to read about art?
Here is a list of books released in 2019 that I recommend.

Books to read


  • Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings in Detail

While Leonardo da Vinci is one of history’s most studied and renowned artists, there are many myths surrounding his work. Beginning with his birth and early maturity in the workshops of the Florentine masters, Alessandro Vezzosi delves into the provenance of disputed works such as Madonna Litta and La Bella Principessa.

  • Lives of Tintoretto (Lives of the Artists)

Born Jacopo Comin, Tintoretto (ca. 1519–1594) was one of the great painters of the late Renaissance. This book presents the first biographies of Tintoretto, by Giorgio Vasari and Carlo Ridolfi, as well as accounts from individuals who knew the artist personally. This volume also includes a translation of the marginal notes El Greco wrote in his copy of Vasari’s Life of Tintoretto, which have never before been published.

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One thought on “Books to read for art lovers: the news of 2019

  1. Ecco il lavoro su Guttuso, lo consiglierei vivamente, magari come spunto di riflessione, quando la pittura era considerata ancora forma espressiva ed opera d’arte..
    Ogni riferimento a cose e fatti accaduti ultimamente nell’arte sono puramente casuali…
    Ritornate ad impossessarvi dei pennelli e delle tavolozze, il supporto ovviamente è libero da vincoli…

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