Piero della Francesca in Forlì
Piero della Francesca. The exhibition entitled Piero della Francesca. A survey on a myth is one of the most longed-for exhibitions in 2016, as I said in advance it would be the great event taking place in the Musei di San Domenico in Forlì.
As always, the title of the exhibition arranged by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Forlì, in collaboration with the Municipality of Forlì, reveals the exhibition programme. The same thing happened last year when a spectacular exhibition dedicated to Boldini was organized.
This exhibition doesn’t display all the works or a part of the works by Piero della Francesca.
But you won’t be disappointed! On the contrary, it will be a discovery!
As the title suggests, the exhibition consists of a research and an analysis of Piero della Francesca as a source of fascination to various artist from various ages, apparently different from the artists of his time and from Piero himself.