Caravaggio’s Bacchus: the feast of the senses that becomes art

Caravaggio | Bacco

Caravaggio, Bacco

Caravaggio’s Bacchus is a timeless masterpiece that captures the spirit and essence of the Roman god of wine and intoxication of the senses. In this post I will describe this extraordinary work of art and we will discover together how Caravaggio, with his mastery in painting light and shadow, managed to convey the sensuality and vitality of Bacchus. Are you ready to immerse yourself in the intensity of ‘Bacchus’ and discover why this work continues to enchant and inspire viewers today?
Here we go!

Caravaggio’s Bacchus: the feast of the senses that becomes art

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A jewel in Venice: St Mark’s Golden Pall

img Pala d'oro Venezia pietre preziose

Anyone planning a trip to Venice always comes across the advice to visit St Mark’s Basilica and admire its most precious jewel: the Pala d’Oro (Golden Pall). But what exactly is it? And why is it so important?
Every corner of Venice hides a priceless treasure and exploring this city means stumbling upon a true paradise for lovers of art, beauty and goldsmithing.
The Pala d’Oro is the great masterpiece of Venetian goldsmithing and in this post I will explain why.

A jewel in Venice: St Mark’s Golden Pall

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Paolo Veronese’s Wedding at Cana in the Louvre: description and curiosities

Nozze di Cana | Paolo Veronese

The Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese, exhibited at the Louvre, is a work of art that fascinates and surprises visitors with its enormous size and richness of detail.
The painting is displayed in a room that everyone at the Louvre passes through and where, indeed, one probably spends more time as it is the Mona Lisa room.

If you went to the Louvre, you cannot have failed to admire this work by Veronese during the endless queue waiting to stand in front of Leonardo’s more famous Mona Lisa.
In this article, I explain the characteristics and curiosities of this work, providing a unique perspective on Veronese’s masterpiece and inviting you to discover its beauty during your visit to the Louvre.

Paolo Veronese’s Wedding at Cana in the Louvre: description and curiosities

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Mantegna’s Saint Sebastian: three masterpieces compared

San Sebastiano | Mantegna

Saint Sebastian, the Christian martyr and protector against the plague, has been the subject of artistic inspiration for numerous artists over the centuries. Among the most famous representations are three masterpieces by Andrea Mantegna, created at different stages of his artistic career.

In this post, I will take a closer look at the three versions of Mantegna’s Saint Sebastian preserved in Vienna, Paris and Venice respectively, to discover their characteristics and differences.

Mantegna’s Saint Sebastian: three masterpieces compared

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Cesare Tallone: the expression of the soul through portraits

Cesare Tallone, Paesaggio del lago d’Iseo da Bossico, olio su tela, 48 x 68 cm, collezione privata

Cesare Tallone, Paesaggio del lago d’Iseo da Bossico, olio su tela, 48 x 68 cm, collezione privata

If you want to discover original artists and discover lesser-known masterpieces of art, you are in the perfect place.
In this post I take you on a discovery of Cesare Tallone, an exceptional artist who left a significant mark on the Italian art scene. Born in Savona in 1853, Tallone spent his youth between Alessandria and Milan, a city that profoundly influenced his artistic training.

Read to the end as we explore together this artist’s extraordinary career as a portrait painter and discover what contribution he made to Italian painting. Prepare to immerse yourself in the depth and expression of his paintings, which fascinated not only the Lombard bourgeoisie, but also national and international audiences.

Cesare Tallone: the expression of the soul through portraits

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