Works by Hopper: photo gallery

Compartment C | Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper, Compartment C, Car 293 (1938)


Works by Hopper. A photo gallery dedicated to Edward Hopper.
The main works of the American artist and his essential painting. A man capable of describing ordinary life and its poetry.

In Hopper’s paintings light indicates the time or a moment of the day.
Maybe, there has not been another painter who entitled his works using simply the times of day.
However, in Hopper’s painting everything is enshrouded by silence, that is not peace, but uneasiness.

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Edward Hopper life and works

Edward Hopper | Morning Sun

Edward Hopper, Morning Sun (1952)


Edward Hopper life and works. Edward Hopper was born in Nyack, a small town on the Hudson River on July 22th 1882, and during his long artistic career he created an image of America made up of anonymous places, silent cities, desolated cafés, houses in the middle of nowhere, and solitary men and women.

Hopper studied at the School of Art in New York and completed his training through some trips to Europe between 1905 and 1910.
When he came back to the USA, he started working as an illustrator for magazines and advertisement, a job he disapproved in his mature works of art.

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Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, leader of Futurism

 Filippo Tommaso Marinetti Portrait

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, leader of Futurism

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Poet, novelist, dramatist, Marinetti was the leader of Italian Futurism, the main movement of revolutionary avant-garde whose main features I summarized in a special post.

He was born in Alexandria, Egypt, and studied in Paris, Pavia and Genoa.
In 1905 he founded the magazine Poesia (Poetry), a tool for Italian Symbolism, which in 1909 served as the official organ for a new poetic movement, Futurism.

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Claude Monet | Self-portrait

Claude Monet, Self-portrait


Claude Monet is the founder of the Impressionism, and he’s the key figure which allows us to understand the transformation process occurred from the second half of 19th century to the early 20th century.

Monet’s works still arouse immense enthusiasm among his many fans, and the success of exhibitions displaying his paintings is guaranteed.

READ ALSO: Impressionist painters.

5 things to know about Claude Monet

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Boldini’s women

Giovanni Boldini | Madame Charles Max | dettaglio

Giovanni Boldini, Madame Charles Max (1896) – Musée d’Orsay, Paris (detail)

Boldini’s women. Photo gallery

This is a post dedicated to the women of Giovanni Boldini.
Giovanni Boldini was the artist who has described better than others the Belle Époque.
Especially he described women with passionate eyes.

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