Riot at the gallery by Umberto Boccioni

Riot at the gallery | Umberto Boccioni

Riot at the gallery by Umberto Boccioni

“All things move, all things run, all things are rapidly changing. A profile is never motionless before our eyes, but it constantly appears and disappears”.

 This sentence belongs to the 1910 Manifesto of Futurist painters which was written also by Boccioni himself, and it is the basic text that allows us to understand his work.
In his paintings Boccioni depicted the movement, the ferment of life, and the emotions of modernity.

In this post I’m talking about Riot at the Gallery, a painting representing all the energy and movement of a fight in front of a Café in Milan.

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Brief history of Alexander Roslin

Alexander Roslin, Ritratto della Granduchessa Maria Feodorovna all'età di 18 anni, 1777.

Alexander Roslin, Ritratto della Granduchessa Maria Feodorovna all’età di 18 anni, 1777.

Brief history of Alexander Roslin

Alexander Roslin (1718 – 1793) was a Swedish portrait painter. He was highly appreciated because of his ability in use of colour and because of his attention to details.

His paintings are characterized by a perfect and a faithful reproduction of various materials a suit or any item were made of. Silk, velvet and golden backgrounds stand out against realistic faces and for this reason he was very sought after.

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Brera Madonna by Piero della Francesca

BRERA MADONNA by Piero della Francesca

Brera Madonna. One of the most famous painting by the Italian Renaissance master Piero della Francesca is Montefeltro Altarpiece, also known as Brera Madonna or Brera Altarpiece.

It’s a mysterious masterpiece and its exact dating, its meaning, and its original placing are still the subject of scholars’ investigations.

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George Seurat. Sunday at Port-en-Bessin


George Seurat. Sunday at Port-en-Bessin

George Seurat is the key artist who allows us to understand Post-Impressionism. He was a painter famous for his refined style. He lived a short life: he died of an ordinary flu at the age of 32. However he devised to the world a complex and rigorous technique of painting, which wrote a new page in history of art.

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