5 tricks to engage an art gallery’s audience on social media

img art gallery

L’ho già scritto, gestire il profilo social di una galleria d’arte è un’ottima opportunità per promuovere gli artisti, le opere e gli eventi ma richiede tanto lavoro e una programmazione efficace. e l’individuazione di obiettivi chiari.

Coinvolgere il pubblico di una galleria d’arte sui social media richiede una strategia di coinvolgimento mirata e creativa.
Non si può improvvisare nulla e soprattutto si deve aver bene in mente sia l’obiettivo sia il pubblico a cui ci si vuole rivolgere.

5 trucchi per coinvolgere il pubblico di una galleria d’arte sui social

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The Wonders of Art: from Renaissance to Baroque

David Michelangelo | firenze

Image source: www.accademia.org

The Renaissance brought wonders to art. It was an artistic, cultural and intellectual movement that developed in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries, but whose main centre of development was Italy.
In the artistic context, the Renaissance was characterised by a strong focus on the rediscovery of classical antiquity and a greater expressiveness and realism in representations.

In this post, Adele Pelazza tells us about the characteristics of this particular moment in art history.

The Wonders of Art: From Renaissance to Baroque

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What should an artist publish on his or her website

img sito web artista

I am often asked what an artist should publish on his or her website or what are the tricks to communicate the works and work of a contemporary artist well.
These questions are not easy to answer mainly because there is no one single answer to give, in fact every artist is in his or her own way and each path requires different strategies and specific content.

However, it is possible to make a list of good practices, i.e. tips that each artist can follow in order to find his or her own way of communicating online, depending also on the target audience.

What should an artist publish on his or her website

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What to publish in the Twitter profile of a gallery or museum

img Twitter art

Those who have to narrate culture on social media know the importance of fast and rapid communication.
If you too have tried to create art content for social media, you will certainly have come up against the need to give concise information without trivialising the message. Which is by no means easy, especially when you have to communicate the complexity of an art project or cultural event.

On Twitter all this is definitely more complicated because there are very few characters available, one cannot edit the content already published, and even the number of images to be inserted is limited.
Twitter, however, was my first love and in this post I want to tell you why it is still a great communication tool for art galleries and museums.

The Twitter profile of a gallery or museum

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Collecting art successfully: tricks and secrets for the collector

img Strip Gallery

Courtesy: The Strip Gallery

I am pleased to host on my blog an article written by Martina Manco, director of The Strip Gallery of Contemporary Art, whom I had already interviewed on the occasion of the gallery’s first birthday and who now reveals all the secrets of becoming a successful art collector.

In the interview with Martina Manco it was clear that the world of collecting has undergone great changes lately, especially with the possibility of shopping online.
What then should be the attentions and tricks that a collector of today have? Here is the gallery owner’s answer.

Tricks and secrets for successfully collecting art

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