The most entertaining museums to see in Turin

Museo Arte Urbana Torino

Museo Arte Urbana Torino

Turin, the first capital of Italy, is a city full of charm and culture, but in addition to the best-known museums, there are many other interactive experiences and fun museums in Turin that can make a visit enjoyable and engaging for the whole family. If you are looking for ideas to entertain the kids or want to alternate the classic visits with something more original, Turin has several options that are sure to surprise you.

Museums and alternative and fun activities in Turin

Museo caffè Lavazza Torino

Museo caffè Lavazza Torino

There are several museums to visit in Turin: the city boasts a wide range of museums worth a visit, such as the National Museum of Cinema at the Mole Antonelliana and the nearby Reggia di Venaria Reale.
To save money, consider buying a tourist card that includes free or discounted entry to many of these museums. In this guide, however, I will introduce you to some fun museums in Turin where you can enjoy unique and interactive experiences.

Museum of Urban Art

The MAU, Museum of Urban Art, is an open-air museum located in the Borgo Vecchio Campidoglio district. It is a unique museum precisely because it winds its way through the streets, where murals and artistic attractions of various kinds can be admired.
The works, created by local and international artists, transform the neighbourhood into an open-air art gallery. It is definitely a dynamic experience, which for children could be a real treasure hunt, chasing away boredom.

Lavazza Coffee Museum

For coffee lovers, the Lavazza Museum is a must-see. Located inside the brand new Nuvola Lavazza complex, the museum tells the story of coffee and the famous Turin-based company through an interactive and multi-sensory journey.
This is why I find it suitable for adults but also for children: for them it will be fun to activate videos and sounds, for parents the journey from the coffee plant to the cup, culminating with a delicious tasting. And then: everyone will take a photo in an exceptional set, the one of the most famous Lavazza commercials.

Automobile Museum

The Automobile Museum in Turin is one of the most important of its kind in the world. Located in Corso Unità d’Italia, it houses a collection of more than 200 cars that recount the evolution of motoring from the late 19th century to the present day. The exhibition rooms are divided into themed sections that illustrate not only the technical history of cars, but also their social and cultural impact. Suitable for families, motor enthusiasts and the curious, the museum also offers interactive activities that make the visit even more engaging.

Museum of Astronomy and Planetary Science (InfiniTO)

The Museum of Astronomy and Planetary Science, also known as InfiniTO, is a magical place for those who love to observe the stars and discover the mysteries of the universe. Located inside the Astronomical Observatory of Turin, the museum offers an exhibition itinerary that includes planetariums, models of solar systems and interactive simulations.
The guided tours, suitable for all ages, are an opportunity to learn while having fun and to observe the night sky. The activities and science workshops on offer are perfect for stimulating the curiosity of youngsters and astronomy enthusiasts.

Museum of Chemistry (MU-CH)

The MU-CH, Museum of Chemistry, is another hidden gem near Turin. Located on the University Campus of Grugliasco, this interactive museum is dedicated to chemistry and its applications in everyday life. The exhibition rooms offer hands-on experiments, demonstrations and interactive activities that explain scientific concepts in a simple and engaging way.
Suitable for families, students and science enthusiasts, the MU-CH is a place where chemistry becomes fun and discovery. It is an excellent opportunity to learn while having fun, thanks to the many educational workshops available.

Museums to discover vermouth (Carpano and Martini)

For those looking for a cultural but also good experience, the museums that tell the story of vermouth are an excellent choice. I recommend two, Carpano and Casa Martini, located in Turin and Pessione (near Chieri) respectively: these museums offer a journey through the history and production of the famous Piedmontese aperitif.
Guided tours include the discovery of ancient recipes, production techniques and, of course, tastings. Certainly not suitable for children, but well thought out for an audience of fans of this historical product who are looking for new experiences.

Palazzo Reale Torino

Palazzo Reale Torino

Royal Palace of Turin

The Royal Palace of Turin, located in the heart of the city, is not only a majestic Savoy residence, but also a place where children can have a fairytale experience. Thanks to a special activity dedicated to the little ones, children can dress up as royalty and take part in a guided tour that will lead them to discover the palace’s secrets and stories. The sumptuous halls and royal gardens provide the perfect backdrop for this educational and entertaining adventure, making the Royal Palace an ideal family destination.

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