An itinerary to discover the villages between Caltanissetta and Ragusa



Sicily is marvellous, we know. But which is the itinerary to discover the villages between Caltanissetta and Ragusa? 
Here is an itinerary to discover the 5 most beautiful villages

 5 villages between Caltanissetta and Ragusa you should visit

Rocca di Sutera

Rocca di Sutera

To enjoy the atmosphere of Arab Sicily you should go to Butera, which with its Saracen fortress of Muculufa and the Consi quarter, evokes an atmosphere of past times.

Only one church and just over 1,000 inhabitants: this is Montedoro.
The Museum of Sulfur Mines, the main tourist attraction, is located just nearby a mine and preserves the memory of sulfur extraction and production.

It’s one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, with gypsum houses surrounding the hill and the Arab terraces of the Rabato quarter.
Sutera is one of the stages of the Magna Via Francigena, the ancient pilgrim route that already in the 11th century connected Palermo to Agrigento.

Monterosso Almo
Continuing towards Ragusa you’ll find other two villages.
The first is Monterosso Almo, a place that preserves the history of the Cocuzza family, wealthy Sicilian businessmen, who built their financial empire thanks to railway construction.
You shouldn’t miss the Baroque Basilica of Saint John the Baptist.

Chiaramonte Gulfi
The other village, near Ragusa, is Chiaramonte Gulfi, the village of oil. In fact, it is located on the land of olive oil mills and production of an exquisite olive oil.
A few steps from the main square, is the 18th-century Palazzo Montesano, with its late Baroque balconies and a peculiar inner courtyard.
Its rooms house five museums and a picture gallery.
However, it’s the Villa Comunale with its belvedere that surprises visitors.  From here you can enjoy a breathtaking view.

img borghi tra Caltanissetta e Ragusa

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