Modulating waste. Enrica Borghi’s exhibition

Enrica Borghi | mostra

Enrica Borghi, Muro (dettaglio), 2005_2021, installato a terra presso Villa Borromeo d_Adda


The exhibition Modulare lo scarto is the solo show by artist Enrica Borghi that aims to focus attention on the virtuous use of what society throws away and on the concept of waste.

Enrica Borghi has been working for years with the mosaic technique, using materials that are considered useless and that the artist rescues from a destiny that is already sealed and that wants them to be thrown away or in a landfill.

Enrica Borghi’s exhibition

Enrica Borghi | mandala mostra

Enrica Borghi, Mandala, 2000_2022, tappi in plastica, gocce di vetro colorate, installation view presso Villa Borromeo d_Adda, Arcore. Photo Courtesy Studio Giudicianni _ Biffi

The Fondazione Sabe per l’arte presents the personal exhibition of artist Enrica Borghi entitled Modulare lo scarto, realised within the framework of Ravenna Mosaico – VII Biennale di Mosaico Contemporaneo with the patronage of the Municipality of Ravenna and the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna and in collaboration with the Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna.

Enrica Borghi’s selection of wall and floor installations includes some of the most representative works of her career, such as Mandala or Muro, created in 2000 and 2005 respectively, but destined for continuous transformation.
These works are modular and are characterised by the possibility of growing and adapting to any spatial condition.
They are works made as plastic caps, sign tapes and industrial waste, which grow with time and connect to the other works in the exhibition, such as Stola, which, although it recalls the textile tradition, also presents the mosaic tradition.

For the occasion, the Sabe per l’arte Foundation has initiated a collaboration with the Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna, with the aim of involving students in the preparation of the exhibition.

 Enrica Borghi | mostre arte contemporanea

Enrica Borghi, Stola (dettaglio), 2020, nastro segnaletico, scarto di fettucce in cotone, 12 m x 60 cm, installation view presso Castello Reale di Govone (Cuneo). Photo Courtesy dell_artista


Enrica Borghi. Modulating waste
Curated by Pasquale Fameli
Fondazione Sabe per l’arte | via Giovanni Pascoli 31, Ravenna
1 October – 17 December 2022

Opening hours
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 4-7 p.m.
Admission free

The exhibition is completed by a catalogue published by Danilo Montanari and enriched by other events organised during the exhibition period.


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