Informal Art between history and innovation

I have always wondered how historical events, especially the most tragic ones, deeply influence art. Of course, every time I try to give myself an answer, I am amazed by the strength with which art reacts to the tragic nature of life, and in this post I want to share with you information about an art movement that was born out of the devastation left by World War II: I am referring toInformal Art.

Informal Art is a movement, which marked the cultural history of the postwar period, that transformed pain and suffering into a unique expressive language. This post aims to immerse you in the complex evolution of Informal Art, exploring its origins, its leading exponents, and revolutionary techniques.

Informal art between history and innovation

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What to visit in Paestum

In the northern part of Cilento, Campania, we find an archaeological park where we can visit the remains of the best-preserved Greco-Roman city in Italy. This is Paestum, best known for its temples: it offers visitors a unique testimony to life at the time of Magna Graecia and the Romans. How to buy tickets to visit it and how to get there?

What to see in Paestum

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Casa Vicens in Barcelona: description and visit info

A city like Barcelona has much to offer the art lover. Surely you have heard of must-see museums, such as the Picasso Museum, or Antoni Gaudí’s best-known buildings, such as the Sagrada Familia and the Casa Batlló. There is, however, one attraction that is slowly becoming known: it is the Casa Vicens, a house that was in effect the first major project for the architect.

How the visit to the Vicens House unfolds

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Righteous Judges panel stolen from the Mystic Lamb Polyptych

The Polyptych of the Mystical Lamb, a masterpiece of the Van Eyck brothers completed in 1432, is known not only for its extraordinary beauty and artistic complexity but also for having been the subject of numerous vicissitudes, including theft and looting. Particularly intriguing is the fate of the panel of the Righteous Judges, which disappeared in 1934 from St. Bavon Cathedral in Ghent, Belgium.
This theft is one of art’s greatest mysteries and has generated theories and initiated research that has lasted for decades.

Righteous Judges panel stolen in Ghent

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The works of Aldo Salucci: a journey between Art and Hope

Have you ever tried to look beyond the surface of a work of art, discovering the hidden depths behind each masterpiece? Aldo Salucci, an artist originally from Rome and now working in Milan, invites us to do just that through his creations.

With a passion rooted since childhood for drawing and colors, Aldo Salucci has found in photography and digital post-production his personal channel of expression. These tools allow him to convey powerful messages in a spontaneous way, breaking free from traditional conventions. His exhibitions, such as “On the nature of things” and “Dystopia,” as well as his participation in relevant art fairs such as Unfair and The Others, testify to his commitment to the contemporary art scene.

The works of Aldo Salucci: a journey between Art and Hope

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