Rosso Fiorentino: the visionary of Mannerism who revolutionized Renaissance art

Rosso Fiorentino | Putto che suona

Rosso Fiorentino, Putto che suona

Have you ever asked who was the artist who, along with Pontormo, revolutionized the world of Renaissance art in Florence? 
In this post we will explore together the life the works of Rosso Fiorentino, one of the most emblematic figures of early Mannerism in Florence.

Famous for his unusual and revolutionary art, Rosso Fiorentino (Giovanni Battista di Jacopo) left an indelible mark on the artistic landscape by proposing an aesthetic outside the traditional mold.
Here is how this painter, who was born in Florence in 1495 and died in Fontainebleau in 1540, influenced the course of Italian art and beyond.

Rosso Fiorentino: the visionary of Mannerism

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Neoplasticism: a journey in art beyond the visible

Have you ever heard of Neoplasticism? This term, which may not be as immediately recognizable as other art movements, represents a fundamental turning point in art history.
Neoplasticism, also known as De Stijl, is a movement that influenced not only painting, but also architecture and literature, helping to redefine the way we see and understand art.

Here are what its characteristics are.

What is Neoplasticism

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Underground Naples: skip-the-line tickets and visit options

Have you ever heard of the sunken treasure of Naples? No, I am not talking about all those little-known places that are nonetheless true wonders, but literally about a world hidden in the shadows of the sunny city: the tunnels of underground Naples. By purchasing a skip-the-line ticket to underground Naples you can avoid the long waits that often discourage visitors and, if you want, combine your visit with other fascinating attractions.

What to know about underground Naples

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Le mostre da vedere a Marzo 2024 in Italia

Preparati a immergerti nel mondo dell’arte a marzo! Preparati a fare un viaggio attraverso il sublime, il provocatorio e l’intrigante, mentre esploriamo le opere che renderanno questo mese favoloso per gli amanti dell’arte.
In questo post ti guiderò attraverso le mostre imperdibili, offrendoti uno sguardo privilegiato sul panorama artistico del momento. È il momento di lasciarsi ispirare e di scoprire le meraviglie che solo l’arte può offrire.
Ho selezionato le 5 mostre da vedere a Marzo nel 2024 in Italia, che ti soprenderanno.

Preparati a essere trasportato in un mondo fatto solo di bellezza.

Le mostre da vedere a Marzo 2024 in Italia

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The Visual Metamorphosis of Alexa Meade

While many artists over the past five centuries have focused their efforts on perfecting techniques for painting on flat surfaces, Alexa Meade has boldly embraced the opposite of this established tradition. With no academic training in art or painting classes behind her, Meade embarked on her extraordinary journey in 2009 after completing her studies in political science.

His artistic project focused on creating innovative techniques that would allow three-dimensional objects to be painted in such a way as to simulate the appearance of two-dimensional images. What makes this creative proposal of his interesting is the artful use of black paint and liquid latex.
This combination allowed three-dimensional objects to be transformed into two-dimensional visual compositions, requiring meticulous attention to cover human skin without forming unwanted cracks.

Impressions in Motion. The Visual Metamorphosis of Alexa Meade.

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