Mondrian’s works you must know

Mondrian | autoritratto

Piet Mondrian (1872-1944), Autoritratto – 1918.Olio su tela Kunstmuseum Den Haag

 Mondrian’s most famous works are the result of the artist’s long quest for balance and perfection.
So if we are to summarise Mondrian’s career in a few works, we must bear in mind that his stylistic evolution starts with Naturalism and Impressionism, then moves on to Post-Impressionism, Fauves, Symbolism and Cubism, and finally arrives at the rational and unmistakable style that has made him truly famous.

In this post I present the works of Mondrian that you absolutely must know.

The works of Mondrian

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Napoleon’s Statuta in Brera: history and curiosities


How does a work of art bear witness to history and at the same time become the subject of controversy? In this post I want to explore with you the fascinating journey that the statue of Napoleon in Brera has taken, a bronze sculpture that is emblematic of an era but has also been the subject of heated debate. 

The statue, three metres high and created by one of the most famous Italian sculptors of the 19th century, has experienced incredible adventures from its creation to the present day. Its story is the perfect example of how art intertwines with politics, culture, reflecting the changes of an era.

The statue of Napoleon at Brera

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Action Painting, what it is and why it is a revolutionary art

Have you ever wondered what makes Action Painting so unique and revolutionary? This art form, also known as action painting, represents a real challenge to traditional art conventions.

Originating in the 1940s and 1960s, Action Painting is closely related to abstract expressionism. That is why it is essential to understand this style first in order to appreciate what is a significant part of modern art history.

What is Action Painting

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The restoration of the Fountain of Fortune at the Royal Palace of Naples

Restoration of works of art and our artistic heritage is extremely important to protect, preserve and enhance what our ancestors have handed down to us and what we must leave to future generations.
At the Royal Palace of Naples, the restoration of the Fountain of Fortune, located in the Courtyard of Honor, is underway as part of a large-scale redevelopment project that is bringing new light to this building.

The restoration of the Fountain of Fortune at the Royal Palace of Naples

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Life of Jacopo Pontormo, a Mannerist genius

Pontormo, autoritratto

Have you ever heard of Jacopo Pontormo, the artistic genius of Mannerism?
This painter, born Jacopo Carucci, was a key figure in the artistic landscape of the 16th century. His work anticipated trends that were only fully manifested in the Baroque period, greatly influencing 17th century art.

In this post I tell you about his life.

Life of Jacopo Pontormo

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