Discovering Magna Graecia: History, Archaeology and Hidden Treasures

Metaponto Magna Grecia

Magna Graecia is a land of history, culture and archaeology that enchants anyone who wants to rediscover the roots of a refined and flourishing civilisation. With its ancient cities, such as Metapontum, Siris and Heraclea, this land tells of a past rich in traditions, architectural splendour and agricultural innovations.

In this journey we will explore, thanks to Adele Pelazza, the most significant archaeological sites, including Doric temples, mosaics and ancient fortifications, to understand how the memory of this glorious civilisation is intertwined with the present, offering us a new way to find ourselves along the path of history.


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Weekend in Genoa: Art, Museums and Sea

Have you ever thought of immersing yourself in the vibrant spirit of Madrid, the capital of Spain, rich in art, history and culture? Madrid, with its unique mix of tradition and modernity, is a city that seduces every visitor.
In this post I propose a two-day itinerary to discover some of the most fascinating cultural attractions this city has to offer.


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Leon Battista Alberti: Genius of Renaissance Architecture

Leon Battista Alberti

Leon Battista Alberti, one of the most multifaceted figures of the Italian Renaissance, was a pioneer of architecture, art and literature. Born in Genoa in 1404 and raised in a Florentine family, Alberti lived and worked in several Italian cities, including Rome, Florence, Rimini and Mantua. His career is an extraordinary example of a Renaissance man who, by applying himself to different disciplines, created works that defy time.


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Fortresses and Castles of the 15th century in Italy: historical treasures to visit

Castello Sforzesco | musei Milano

In the second half of the 15th century, in addition to the stately homes in the city, the buildings in the countryside that had military garrison functions also changed their appearance: the castles.
In fact, the castle lost its military character when its functions changed, becoming less defensive and more prestigious representation. compared to the city palace, the residence of the bourgeois classes, the castle remained the place of residence of the aristocracy, which, however, changed its role in Renaissance society and saw its defensive function towards the people disappear.

Here are the 15th-century fortresses and castles in Italy that have survived to the present day and can still be visited.


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Where are the Riace Bronzes exhibited?

Bronzi Riace

If you are wondering where the Riace Bronzes are, you are probably intrigued by the possibility of visiting these mysterious ancient figures. The Bronze Statues of Riace are two Greek bronze statues discovered in the sea near the coast of Riace Marina, Calabria, but are currently kept in a museum located elsewhere in the region, on the other side of the tip of the boot. These extraordinary works of ancient art attract visitors from all over the world because of their fascinating history and their incredible state of preservation.

The fascination of the Riace Bronzes

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