Visiting the Doria Pamphilj Gallery: what you need to know

Right in the centre of Rome lies an extraordinary jewel: the Doria Pamphilj Gallery. This unique private collection offers a journey through art masterpieces that tell incredible stories. To fully enjoy this experience, I suggest you book your ticket in advance; just a few clicks and your entry is guaranteed directly through your smartphone. Devote at least an hour and a half to the visit: it will be absolutely worth it.

What to see at the Doria Pamphilj Gallery

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Matera: the City of Stone and the Treasure of its Rock Churches

Ancient dwellings carved into the tuff. A deep ‘valley’ (ravine) crossed by a stream. Roofs that become floors for the dwellings on the upper levels. A dense network of alleys, and the impression of walking in
a papier-mâché nativity scene. All this is Matera, in Basilicata, European Capital of Culture 2019, whose rock churches and famous ‘Sassi’ – a peculiar settlement form carved out of the rock – were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993.

Matera: the City of Stone and the Treasure of its Rock Churches

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Palazzo Colonna in Rome: tickets for the famous Gallery

The Colonna Gallery is located inside Palazzo Colonna in Rome and houses one of the largest private art collections, with works by Tintoretto, Perugino, Rubens, Bronzino and many other internationally renowned artists. But the architecture of the Palazzo and the Gallery itself are works of art, expressions of the Baroque and other styles that were integrated during its long construction.

The palace covers about three hectares and is the largest noble residence in Rome, where the descendants of the Colonna family still live today. Originating from the village of the same name near Rome and with a history stretching back thousands of years, the Colonna family was a patrician lineage that gave birth to a Pope (Martin V), cardinals, men of letters and statesmen. How can one buy tickets for the Colonna Gallery and Palazzo Colonna? And what wonders do they house inside?

Online tickets for Palazzo Colonna in Rome

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The eternal fascination of the Fano Altarpiece: Perugino’s masterpiece

Have you ever had the privilege of admiring the Fano Altarpiece, a Renaissance masterpiece by Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino? In this post, we will explore together the history and details of this extraordinary work, which is kept in the church of Santa Maria Nuova in Fano and has been temporarily relocated for security reasons to the Museo del Palazzo Malatestiano in Fano.

The eternal fascination of the Fano Altarpiece: Perugino’s masterpiece

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