Terme di Caracalla: how to buy tickets online

Rome is a veritable open-air museum for lovers of ancient history: from its legendary foundation, the Romans turned it into the capital of an empire. Many structures from the public life of the period have been well preserved to this day and still form part of the urban fabric of Rome. Just think of the Colosseum, the Imperial Forum, the Baths of Caracalla or the Circus Maximus. The latter two are also used for large events and, if going there for a concert or a show is a unique and evocative experience, visiting them for the function they had in Roman times will allow you to discover more about the history of the eternal city.

Ingresso alle Terme di Caracalla

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Le mostre da vedere a Gennaio 2024 in Italia

Vuoi iniziare l’anno alla grande? Allora scegli la prima mostra da visitare e tuffati in un mare d’arte quest’anno!
Ho selezionato le 5 mostre da vedere a Gennaio nel 2024 in Italia, che ti faranno scoprire i grandi maestri ma che ti permetteranno anche di avvicinarti anche ad artisti che forse non conosci molto bene.

Lasciati ispirare da queste mostre.

Le mostre da vedere a Gennaio 2024 in Italia

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The Return of the Duke to Mantua: the portrait of Vincenzo I Gonzaga by Jean Bahuet

A work of art can tell the story of a city and describe the prestige of a specific historical period.
Palazzo Ducale in Mantua recently acquired an extraordinary painting, a portrait of Duke Vincenzo I Gonzaga by the famous Flemish artist Jean Bahuet.
This work, which portrays the duke on the day of his coronation as Duke of Mantua, is not only a masterpiece but also a symbol of the link between art and power.

In this post I take you on a tour of discovery of this painting that has finally returned home, bringing with it the stories and splendours of a golden age.

The Return of the Portrait of Duke Vincenzo I in Mantua

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Le mostre da vedere nel 2024 in Italia

Cosa ti aspetti dal 2024? Quali mostre vorresti vedere e quali artisti vorresti scoprire?
Ho selezionato 5 mostre da vedere nel 2024 in Italia, un gruppo di eventi imperdibili e che, da Nord a Sud, ci faranno scoprire i grandi maestri e le loro opere straordinarie.

Queste mostre sono l’occasione perfetta per immergersi nell’arte, lasciandosi ispirare dalle storie che si celano dietro le pennellate e le sculture, ma sono anche un pretesto per visitare le città d’arte italiane.

Le mostre da vedere nel 2024 in Italia

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From Chaos to Canvas: What is Abstract Expressionism?

img Pollock Film

Have you ever thought about the connection between the torments of history and the metamorphosis of art?
To understand what Abstract Expressionism is is to immerse oneself in history and understand how art tried to tell the story of life.
Celebrated as the New York School, Abstract Expressionism is a child of the chaos of the War that took shape in the late 1940s. The global devastation wrought by World War II not only changed the geography of the world, but also the human mind, causing an artistic revolution.

From Chaos to Canvas: What is Abstract Expressionism?

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