David de la Mano: Latitude




Wunderkammern Milan is proud to announce Latitude, the first solo show in Italy by Spanish artist David de la Mano.

David de la Mano (1975, Salamanca, Spain) is one of the most important artists of the Urban art movement.
The artist has started his career in the early ‘90s creating Land Art projects, installations and sculptures in the public space, and since 2008 his attention has been focused on mural paintings. 

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Laurina Paperina From Outer Space

Laurina Paperina


Laurina is an artist born in Rovereto in 1980 and belongs to the so-called “losers”, that is to say those creative young artists, who, right at the turn of the new millennium, showed their refusal to the mainstream culture, arousing their interest in alternative art forms, from skating to street art to underground music.
Fusion Art Gallery dedicates to her a solo exhibition entitled FROM OUTER SPACE, curated by Alfredo Sigolo.

The exhibition FROM OUTER SPACE falls within the off network of NEsxT Independent Art Network, and is included in COLLA, the new platform of Turin art galleries.
Laurina’s solo exhibition is the chance for you to observe the work of an artist who managed to gain fans and approval both in Italy and abroad.

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Satura art gallery




I told you that Genoa is a beautiful city when I wrote about my weekend in Genoa during the Rolli Days, but there is an aspect I didn’t examine in depth: Genoa is an art city from A to Z.

Even contemporary art can find its own space in Genoa, in places such as Palazzo Stella, where Satura art gallery will host from November 12th to 23rd 2016 two exhibitions dedicated to two talented female artists: Claudia Campanella and Alice Voglino.

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The Renaissance: the greatest masters

Michelangelo Buonarroti | David

Michelangelo Buonarroti, David (1501-1504) – Galleria dell’Accademia, Firenze. Image source: it.wikipedia.org


I often write about artists and artistic movements, taking for granted that everyone can associate with right historic period. But a reader left a comment on my Facebook profile which made me think.
She lives in the USA e and is keen on fashion, but she shows little about art history, although she loves admiring masterpieces of the past, especially Italian masterpieces.
Therefore, I’ve decided to dedicate some posts to the greatest historical periods, thinking of her, and of those who want to know more about the artist I talk about on my blog, but also thinking of those who need to review.

Let’s begin with Italian art of the 16th century.

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Maya Verona | Blogger

#MayaVerona is a trendy exhibition

 Can you make an exhibition trendy? Yes, you can. And you must do it!

This is one of the tweets I published between October 23rd and 24th 2016, when I came back to Verona to visit the exhibition dedicated to the Maya together with some friends.
My friends were bloggers like me: some made a long journey and they looked forward to losing themselves in the atmosphere of the Maya they lived in Mexico and in the places which the artefacts exhibited in Verona come from. Others were fascinated by the subheading of the exhibition, “Il linguaggio della bellezza” (“The language of beauty”), and they wanted to understand what the beauty for the Maya was. Still others wanted to offer their children a useful and funny experience.
Then there was me. I witnessed the birth of the exhibition dedicated to the Maya, and I shared with you the images of the inauguration on the social networks, and I wanted to transform the exhibition into a carefree moment and an opportunity for interaction.

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