Imagine. New imagery in Italian art at the Guggenheim

nascita di Venere

Giosetta Fioroni, Particolare della nascita di Venere (1965)

Imagine. New imagery in Italian art 1960-1969

Exhibition Imagine at the Guggenheim Collection. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is probably my favourite museum of contemporary art in Italy, and I visit it many times a year.

There’s always an interesting exhibition on view at the museum, and there are always new aspects to discover in the permanent collection. In addition, you can still sense Peggy’s presence, the founder of the museum, who lived in Venice for 30 years. The movie “Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict” has been recently dedicated to her adventurous life, as I told you in my post dedicated to this beautiful movie.

From April 23rd to September 19th 2016, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection will present the exhibition “Imagine. New Imagery in Italian Art 1960-1969”.
The rooms of Palazzo Venier, Peggy’s home earlier and museum later will exhibit in 11 rooms 45 works showing what happened in Italian art in the 1960s.  Continue reading

5 things to know about Sforza Castle in Milan

Sforza Castle | Milan

5 things to know about Sforza Castle in Milan

The first construction was erected around 1368, when Galeazzo II Visconti decided to build the “Castrum Porte Iovis”, a fortress on the area nearby a gate in Roman walls, Porta Giove.
It is square in shape with 4 square towers at the corners that allowed an easy exit route out of the city, in case people should have escaped from enemies. It was an efficient defensive wall, as well.

5 things to know about Sforza Castle ( Castello Sforzesco)

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Casa Artusi

 Casa Artusi | library

Casa Artusi

When I go to Forlì to see the exhibitions arranged at the Musei of San Domenico, I always go to the nearby town of Forlimpopoli to visit Casa Artusi.

Pellegrino Artusi was a writer and a gastronome, but he’s famous for being the father of the Italian cuisine.
In this post I will explain why 😉

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Robert Capa in Italy 1943-1944

robert capa | Master Selection

Robert Capa in Italy 1943-1944

Robert Capa in Italy. Some people consider Robert Capa the father of photojournalism, whilst other people consider him the man who renovated it. Certainly, he was a great photographer, who lived most of his life on the battlefield, not to fight but to document events and pain caused by war.

The exhibition dedicated to the great war photographer Robert Capa, showing 78 black and white pictures taken during the World War II in Italy, is on view in San Gimignano at the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art “Raffaele De Grada”.

robert capa |war in Italy

Robert Capa during more than 20 years of his career reported the five major world conflicts: the Spanish Civil War, the Chinese resistance to Japanese invasion, the World War II, the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, and the First Indochina War.
His photos on exhibition in San Gimignano were taken in Italy in 1943 and 1944, and after 70 years tell the story of the landing of the Allies in Italy, through a selection of pictures from the series Robert Capa Master Selection III held in Budapest, and bought by the Hungarian National Museum between the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009.

The series consisting of 937 photos taken by Capa in 23 Countries of 4 continents, is one of the three Master Selection created by Cornell, Robert Capa’s brother, who was himself a photographer, and by Richard Whelan, Capa’s biographer, in the early 1990s and held in New York, Tokio and Budapest.
The series, identical to themselves, and called Master Section I, II, and III, come from the collection of the International Center of photography of New York, where the inheritance of Robert Capa is held.

robert capa | war

Robert Capa in Italy 1943-1944
5 March-10 July 2016
San Gimignano, Gallery Of Modern and Contemporary Art “Raffaele De Grada”


The 15. International Architecture exhibition in Venice

The Venice Biennale | The 15TH International Architecture exhibition

The Venice Biennale. The 15TH International Architecture exhibition.

The 2016 Biennale Architettura in Venice. On May 28th 2016 the 15th International Exhibition of Architecture in Venice will be open to the public and for six months it will show to a wide public what improving the quality of life through the architecture means.

The title of this edition is REPORTING FROM THE FRONT and it will be directed by Alejandro Aravena, who, until November 27th 2016, will have the aim of sharing the work of those people who look for new ways of considering the space, facing issues such as segregation, inequalities, peripheries, natural disasters, housing shortage, migration, crime, traffic, waste, pollution, and the participation of communities.

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