Loving Vincent

Lovung Vincent | Van Gogh film

Loving Vincent

Loving Vincent. If you love the paintings by Vincent Van Gogh, you must see Loving Vincent, which is absolutely the first fully painted animation feature length film. A crew of 40 artists reconstructed Van Gogh’s life through his paintings.

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Banksy and the Street Art on exhibition in Bologna

bansky | exhibition

Banksy and the Street Art on exhibition in Bologna

Street Art in Bologna. When someone talks about Street Art, we soon think about a group of artists who, since the latest 1960s have used the streets to create innovative works of art; but thanks to the web have soon become representative of historic period we live in.

Maybe in 100 years in art history books Bansky, Dado and Rusty will be mentioned as members of an artistic genre developed from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, called Street Art.

An exhibition dedicated to Street Art will be on show at Palazzo Pepoli in Bologna from March 18th to June 26th 2016. And a controversy has soon broken out.

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The drunkenness of Noah by Giovanni Bellini

Giovanni Bellini |drunkenness of Noah

The drunkenness of Noah  by Giovanni Bellini

The Drunkenness of Noah. The celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the death of Giovanni Bellini have brought to Venice a masterpiece such as The Drunkenness of Noah on exhibition at the Museo Correr. The painting hasn’t come back to Italy for many years.

The painting, kept in the Musée des Beaux-Arts et Archéologie of Besançon (the Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology of Besançon) since 1895, is probably the last masterpiece by the old master and was attributed to him during the 20th century, after a 400-years discussion between art critics and historians.

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On Sunday at the museum: the museo Correr in Venice

 Museo Correr in Venice

On Sunday at the museum: the museo Correr in Venice

Museo Correr Venice. This month “On Sunday at the museum” is dedicated to the Museo Correr, which, through its rich art collection, is capable of illustrating the thousand-year old history of Venice.

The museum originated from the collection belonged to the Venetian nobleman Teodoro Correr, who in 1830 donated to the city of Venice his palace and his art, book and document collection, offers various itineraries through which visitors can discover Venice from different points of view.
Here everything reflects the history of Venice, from the Reggia Neoclassica (Neoclassical Palace), to the sculptures by Canova; from the Picture Gallery to the Renaissance small bronzes; from the symbols of the military and economical power to the works by the most important Venetian artists.
Looking out of the big windows, overlooking St. Mark’s Square, you can admire the centre of Venice, where many events, illustrated in the museum, occurred.

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Hopper on exhibition in Bologna

Second Story Sunlight | Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper, Second Story Sunlight (1960). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York;

Hopper on exhibition in Bologna

Hopper on exhibition in Bologna. According to some people Edward Hopper is a story teller, according to other people he’s the only artist capable of understanding ordinary life. But he himself defined his artistic path.

“If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint”- E. Hopper

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