A new blog

A new blog

Welcome everybody! It’s a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to my brand new blog! I have been thinking about a new look for my blog for a long time in order to make it more captivating and simpler to use.
Here is my new blog! It has been a long work but I think it has been worth waiting for, because this new blog makes me feel brand new, too.

This adventure started many months ago, but it hasn’t finished yet! I hope it’s just the beginning! I have a lot of exhibitions to talk about, a lot of events to organize and many pieces of art to show you. That’s why this space will be enriched with new chances to share our passion for art and beauty.

What’s new in my blog?

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Symbolism on exhibition in Milan

Triton and Nereide | Max Klinger | The Sirens

Symbolism on exhibition in Milan.

Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, Love and Death.

Each dark side and fears of Symbolism are on display in Milan until 5 June 2016. The exhibition is entitled “Symbolism. Art in Europe from Belle Époque to World War I”.
It is the first great exhibition held in Palazzo Reale in 2016. It is devoted to one of the most difficult artistic movement to define, born in the late 19th century, whose protagonists do not belong to a well-defined group of artists.

I attended the opening of the exhibition and I’m going to tell you in this post.

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The angel of life |Segantini | simbolism

The angel of life by Segantini (1894).


The last time I told someone that I would attend an art exhibition dedicated to Symbolism, I saw the bewilderment in the eyes of my interlocutor.
The bewilderment typical of someone who was trying to recall at least the name of an artist, either a painting or a definition, in order to understand what I was talking about.

It has always been difficult to define Symbolism, because it’s an art movement which doesn’t identify a precise group of artists, whereas it’s a general trend which affected each artistic and creative sector between 1880 and 1919.

I’m trying to clarify the matter in this post.

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Brief history of Alexander Roslin

Alexander Roslin, Ritratto della Granduchessa Maria Feodorovna all'età di 18 anni, 1777.

Alexander Roslin, Ritratto della Granduchessa Maria Feodorovna all’età di 18 anni, 1777.

Brief history of Alexander Roslin

Alexander Roslin (1718 – 1793) was a Swedish portrait painter. He was highly appreciated because of his ability in use of colour and because of his attention to details.

His paintings are characterized by a perfect and a faithful reproduction of various materials a suit or any item were made of. Silk, velvet and golden backgrounds stand out against realistic faces and for this reason he was very sought after.

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