On sunday at the museum: the Doria Pamphilj Gallery

Galleria Doria Pamphilj | musei Roma

On sunday at the museum:  the Doria Pamphilj Gallery

Doria Pamphilj Gallery in Rome. I’ve been very busy lately, and owing to the new release of my blog, I haven’t got any time to publish my posts about “On Sunday at the museum”.
I truly care about this topic: I have the chance to present and show you the most charming Italian museums, where I’m going to accompany you. I’m arranging events in Rome, in Milan and Venice. (the dates of our appointments are coming soon!)

I’ve already taken you on a virtual tour of Miramare Castle in Trieste, of the Museum of Oriental Art in Venice, and of Villa Pisani in Stra, on the banks of the river Brenta.
Now I’m taking you to the Doria Pamphilij Palace’s Gallery, in Rome. I really went into raptures over it, indeed!

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Daedalus and Icarus by Antonio Canova

Antonio Canova | Dedalo e Icaro | Musseo Correr | Musei Venezia

Daedalus and Icarus by Antonio Canova

A post about the new Canova rooms of the Correr Museum in Venice.

In this post I will tell you the story of one of Antonio Canova’s masterpieces that you can admire in this room.
In the centre of the vedute room of the Museo Correr in Venice is the marble group Daedalus and Icarus (1777-1779), an early masterpiece by Antonio Canova.

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George Seurat. Sunday at Port-en-Bessin


George Seurat. Sunday at Port-en-Bessin

George Seurat is the key artist who allows us to understand Post-Impressionism. He was a painter famous for his refined style. He lived a short life: he died of an ordinary flu at the age of 32. However he devised to the world a complex and rigorous technique of painting, which wrote a new page in history of art.

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Matisse e il suo tempo a Torino

Algerina | Henri Matisse | mostre Torino

L’Algerina, Henri Matisse (1909)

Matisse e il suo tempo a Torino

Matisse “l’ansioso, il follemente ansioso”.
Così lo descrive uno dei suoi amici divisionisti.

Sempre al centro di dibattiti, Henri Matisse durante tutta la sua carriera è stato capogruppo dei fauves, osservatore critico del cubismo, discepolo di Signac, Renoir e Bonnard, rivale di Picasso, maestro d’accademia e infine precursore di un’arte che anticipa l’espressionismo astratto newyorkese.

Con 50 opere di Matisse e 47 di artisti a lui vicini come PicassoRenoirBonnardModiglianiMiróDerainBraqueMarquetLéger la mostra Matisse e il suo tempo espone le opere del grande artista chiarendo quali fossero le sue amicizie e gli scambi artistici con altri pittori.

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