Tickets for the Doge’s Palace in Mantua: how to book

Camera degli Sposi | affreschi

Booking tickets for the Doge’s Palace in Mantua is the equivalent of buying tickets to take a journey through art and history, visiting just one place. This is what you should do if you dream of walking through the halls of a palace that tells the story and art of the Italian Renaissance.
The Palazzo Ducale in Mantua is a true Renaissance jewel just waiting to be explored, but how do you book tickets for this amazing journey through time? In this post, I will reveal how to do it and also tell you why a visit to this palace is an experience not to be missed.

Tickets for the Doge’s Palace in Mantua: how to book and take a journey through art and history

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Stibbert Museum: a secret journey through art and history in Florence

Museo Stibbert

Have you ever wanted to discover a hidden jewel of Florence, far from the usual tourist circuits? A magical place where art and history converge in a unique experience? Let me introduce you to the Stibbert Museum, a treasure trove of wonders located on a picturesque hill to the north of the city.

In a setting almost suspended in time, this neo-Gothic villa houses one of Florence’s most eclectic and fascinating private collections. Passionately cared for over five decades by Frederick Stibbert, a man of British-Italian descent and a leading figure in 19th-century Florentine society, this historic home is a veritable laboratory of global art.

Stibbert Museum: a secret journey through art and history in Florence

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Pre-Raphaelite artists: transforming art with spirituality and innovative vision

Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Beata Beatri

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Beata Beatrix, 1880, Olio su tela, cm 86 x 66,7. Edimburgo, National Galleries of Scotland. Dono di A.E. Anderson in memoria del fratello Frank, 1928. © Bridgeman Images

Have you ever heard of the Pre-Raphaelites? This fascinating 19th century British art movement is a real hidden gem in the art world. I am sure their story will fascinate you, just as it fascinated me.
In this post we will dive into the world of the Pre-Raphaelite artists, discovering their philosophy, the influence they had and the masterpieces they left behind. Get ready for an exciting journey.

Pre-Raphaelite artists: transforming art with spirituality and innovative vision

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Le mostre d’arte in Italia a Novembre 2023: un viaggio nella meraviglia

img mostre arte da vedere

Cina – La nuova frontiera dell’Arte. Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano (CAMBIARE FOTO)

Benvenuto, amante dell’arte, in un nuovo affascinante capitolo del nostro viaggio nel mondo dell’arte. A novembre 2023, l’Italia si trasforma in un palcoscenico artistico vivace e stimolante, offrendo una selezione straordinaria di mostre d’arte imperdibili. Come punto di riferimento per l’arte in Italia, sono lieta lieti di presentare una panoramica delle mostre più significative e affascinanti che potrai visitare durante questo mese.

Ho dedicato tempo ed energie alla ricerca di mostre che abbracciano le diverse discipline artistiche, dall’arte moderna alla contemporanea, dalla pittura alla scultura, dalla fotografia alle installazioni immersive. Le mostre selezionate sono caratterizzate da un’ampia gamma di stili, concetti e tematiche che riflettono la vivacità e la ricchezza dell’arte italiana e internazionale.

Le imperdibili mostre d’arte in Italia a luglio 2023: un viaggio nella bellezza

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Anish Kapoor’s works: significance and whereabouts

img Mother as Mountain Kapoor

Have you ever been so fascinated by a work of art that you lose yourself completely in its mystery and fascination? If the answer is yes, then you will love the works of Anish Kapoor.
Kapoor’s creations not only enchant visually, but also stimulate deep reflection on many sensory levels. The artist captivates through the use of ambiguity, prompting anyone who comes across them to use all their senses to probe hidden meanings.
Here are the most important works you need to know.

Anish Kapoor’s works: significance and whereabouts

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