Digital art: what it is, artists, techniques and market

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Have you ever stopped to reflect on the artistic phenomenon that is changing the face of creativity in our century? We live in a time when technological innovation permeates every aspect of our daily lives and how could art, the eternal expression of the human soul, remain indifferent to this revolution? Yes, I am referring to digital art, that new expressive universe that embodies the intersection of creative genius and the technological avant-garde.

This art sector is becoming more and more relevant, influencing not only the creative aspect of the artwork, but also our way of enjoying art and collecting.
From the birth of computers to the frenetic NFT market, digital art is an ever-evolving frontier, and today I want to guide you through its intricate paths.

Digital art: what it is, artists, techniques and market

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Roman Forum: online tickets and visit

img Foro Romano

In the Eternal City, the remains of Roman civilization bear witness to an era of incredible grandeur, when the Italian capital was able to influence the balance and fate of the entire then known world. Therefore, a visit to Rome cannot ignore what was the beating heart of political, economic, religious and legal life: the Roman Forum, along with the Palatine and Imperial Fora, up to the majestic Colosseum, the backdrop of entertainment and games that could go on for up to a hundred days. There are various options to visit these places of interest and best appreciate these unique UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The history of the Roman Forum

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The prehistoric monuments on the island of Menorca recognised as World Heritage Sites

Musei Maiorca

Have you ever heard of the prehistoric monuments on the island of Menorca? The island’s mysterious and compelling past is presented through unique prehistoric monuments, which have recently been designated as jewels of humanity to be preserved for future generations.
The island of Menorca, located in the heart of the Mediterranean, was the silent witness of an ancient civilisation, the Talaiótica, which flourished between 1600 B.C. and 123 B.C. This island, with its high density of prehistoric sites, represents an open window on a distant era, the essence of which has recently been recognised and inscribed on the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List.

The prehistoric monuments on the island of Menorca recognised as World Heritage Sites

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Discovering the home of James Ensor in Ostend

img opera James Ensor Ostenda

Have you ever heard of James Ensor’s house in Ostend, in Belgium?
If you feel like immersing yourself in the artistic universe of an eclectic artist then the James Ensor House is the place to be. The
name of this artist evokes the extravagance and eclecticism of the Belgian art scene of the 19th and 20th centuries. What makes his house not only a museum to visit but more importantly an experience to have is that it offers the opportunity to visit the childhood home of a unique artist in the town where he grew up and was trained: Ostend, a picturesque Flemish coastal town overlooking the North Sea.

The Ensor Huis, now a house-museum, is a place that encapsulates the eccentric and multifaceted soul of James Ensor.
I sent our bookmirrorbookmirror_ Chiara Bressan, who had already told us about the wonders of theAdornesdomein in Bruges and the Hotel d’Hane Steenhuyse, to visit this wonderful place. I am pleased to share in the blog her experience, which I am sure will inspire your future travels.

Exploring The House of James Ensor in Ostend: inside the world of an eclectic artist

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Life and works of Henri Matisse: the painter who revolutionised modern art

Matisse | artista

Have you ever been fascinated by the works of Henri Matisse, an artist who challenged pre-existing ideals and revolutionised the art world in the 20th century?
In this post, I take you on a journey to discover the life and work of Henri Matisse.
You will discover how a painter turned his passion into a bold artistic expression that left an indelible mark.

Life and works of Henri Matisse: the painter who revolutionised modern art

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