Cubism and the fragmented reality of the 20th century

Georges Braque | Bottiglia e pesci

Bottle and Fishes c.1910-2 Georges Braque

If you are looking to understand more about Cubism, you are in the right place. In this post I will take you into the fascinating world in which art comes to life through the fragmentation of reality and the decomposition of forms.

Cubism was a revolutionary movement that fascinated and challenged artistic conventions throughout history. Prepare to abandon conventional perspectives and immerse yourself in a three-dimensional universe that invites the viewer to decompose and recompose the world. Together, we will explore the phases of Cubism, its influences and the works of its extraordinary protagonists, on a journey in search of the true essence of art.

Cubism and the fragmented reality of the 20th century

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Secret stories and jewels, what to see inside the Tower of London

img Torre di Londra

Have you ever wondered what mysteries and stories surround the majestic Tower of London? This imposing symbol of the UK, with its 21 towers and a past shrouded in enigmas, is much more than just a tourist attraction. Imagine a journey through the ages, discovering glittering jewels and dark corners that hold the secrets of illustrious prisoners and tragic fates.
Here’s what you must see inside the Tower of London.

Secret stories and jewels, what to see inside the Tower of London

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The Return of Napoleon’s Bed at the Ducal Palace in Mantua: a journey into the imperial past

img Letto Napoleone Palazzo Ducale Mantova

Have you ever wanted to immerse yourself in the imperial atmospheres of the past? Well, I will take you on a unique journey through history and art to discover the mystery surrounding a fascinating object: Napoleon’s Bed from the Ducal Palace in Mantua. Get ready to explore the hidden details of this precious piece of furniture and relive the charm of the imperial era.

The Return of Napoleon’s Bed at the Ducal Palace in Mantua: a journey into the imperial past

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Gothic cathedrals, symbols of spirituality and transcendence

cattedrali gotiche | luce

Gothic cathedrals are the most fascinating architectural wonders that history has left us. These magnificent structures dating back to the second half of the 12th century shaped the history of art and architecture, expressing the taste, values and religiosity of the society of their time. With their unique style and innovative technical solutions, Gothic cathedrals have become symbols of spirituality and transcendence.

In this article, we will explore together the distinctive features of these impressive constructions and immerse ourselves in the fascinating combination of aesthetics and technological progress that makes them still objects of admiration today. Join me on this adventure into the past as we discover together the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in the world.

Gothic cathedrals, symbols of spirituality and transcendence

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