The Renaissance Brought to Light: the extraordinary restoration of the Baptismal Font in Siena Cathedral

Duomo Siena | museo Siena

Are you ready to immerse yourself in an exciting journey into the heart of Renaissance art and its extraordinary renaissance?
With this post I want to take you on a fascinating journey into the heart of Italy’s artistic and cultural heritage. It is with great emotion that I tell you about the incredible adventure of the Baptismal Font of the Baptistery of San Giovanni, in the Monumental Complex of the Cathedral of Siena, and its restoration.

This masterpiece of marble, bronze and enamel, created by masters of the calibre of Giovanni di Turino, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Donatello and Jacopo della Quercia, has gone through an epic journey of analysis and intervention to return to its former glory. Explore with me this extraordinary feat that embodies a passion for art and a desire to preserve beauty for future generations.

The Renaissance Brought to Light: the extraordinary restoration of the Baptismal Font in Siena Cathedral

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The evolution of bas-relief through 5 masterpieces

img La Caccia al leone di Assurbanipal 1

Sculpture is fascinating because through various techniques it allows the creation of extraordinary works such as Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne or Canova’s seductive Paolina Borghese. However, there is one technique that has fascinated all ages and never ceases to seduce artists and visitors even today. I refer to bas-relief, an artistic technique that has evolved over the centuries, transforming static observation into an immersive, three-dimensional experience.

Through the exploration of five masterpieces, we will discover how bas-relief has left an indelible mark on the history of art.

The evolution of bas-relief through 5 masterpieces

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How to buy tickets for Ca’ Pesaro in Venice

img Ca Pesaro Klimt

Ca’ Pesaro is an imposing marble building overlooking the Grand Canal, and inside it houses two of Venice’s most important museums: the International Gallery of Modern Art and the Museum of Oriental Art. Tickets to Ca’ Pesaro allow access to both and, to make the most of the culture and art concentrated in Venice, they can be combined with admissions to other museums and churches. Apart from the views of the canals and the St Mark’s Square complex, with the basilica and the Doge’s Palace, Venice also offers a lot to modern art enthusiasts, with collections and museums in spectacular palazzi.

Tickets for Ca’ Pesaro

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The 7 most beautiful Gothic cathedrals to see

Abbazia di Saint Denis | Chiese Parigi

L’abbazia di Saint Denis a Parigi

The most beautiful Gothic cathedrals to be seen are to be found in Europe.
They represent one of the most influential masterpieces of European architecture, bearing witness to a historical period of intense creativity and religious fervour. These imposing structures, characterised by their sleek lines and intricate detailing, have left an indelible mark on history, inspiring generations of the faithful and admirers of art.

In this article, I present to you the most beautiful cathedrals to see, some of the most fascinating Gothic cathedrals in Europe, discovering their evolution over the centuries and their enduring beauty that continues to fascinate even today.

The 7 most beautiful Gothic cathedrals to see

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Museo Correr in Venice: a journey through the art and history of La Serenissima

img Museo Correr

Have you ever visited Venice? Have you been there but feel you haven’t enjoyed the city to the full and haven’t discovered enough of its history? Maybe you also feel you have not seen the great masterpieces you were hoping for? Maybe you haven’t entered the Museo Correr.

In this post I will take you on a journey of discovery to a magical place, the Correr Museum in Venice, which holds centuries of history and works of art narrating the wonders of the Serenissima Republic. Get ready to immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of this city and discover artistic treasures that will leave you breathless.

Museo Correr in Venice: a journey through the art and history of La Serenissima

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