Paolo Veronese’s Wedding at Cana in the Louvre: description and curiosities

Nozze di Cana | Paolo Veronese

The Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese, exhibited at the Louvre, is a work of art that fascinates and surprises visitors with its enormous size and richness of detail.
The painting is displayed in a room that everyone at the Louvre passes through and where, indeed, one probably spends more time as it is the Mona Lisa room.

If you went to the Louvre, you cannot have failed to admire this work by Veronese during the endless queue waiting to stand in front of Leonardo’s more famous Mona Lisa.
In this article, I explain the characteristics and curiosities of this work, providing a unique perspective on Veronese’s masterpiece and inviting you to discover its beauty during your visit to the Louvre.

Paolo Veronese’s Wedding at Cana in the Louvre: description and curiosities

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What is Baroque: what it means, when it was born, who the artists are

img arte del Seicento Barocco e Classicismo

The Italian 17th century is marked by the explosion of the Baroque, an art that exalts the theatricality of forms and the artificiality of the work that deceives the eye of the beholder with surprising inventions.
The Baroque challenges what had been the principles of the Renaissance, namely balance and measure. It was a complete renewal of art involving both painting and sculpture but also architecture, changing the face of large cities such as Rome.

Here, and I invite you to discover the true meaning of the Baroque and the artists who were the protagonists of this phenomenal season.

What is Baroque: what it means, when it was born, who the artists are

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Basilica of Santa Maria Novella in Florence: works, history and curiosities

Santa Maria Novella | Chiese Firenze

If you arrive in Florence by train, you cannot fail to notice, as soon as you leave the station, a large building. This is the back of the great complex of the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella, inside which ancient works and great masterpieces are preserved.

Visiting the Basilica is almost compulsory for those who want to see Florence and its masterpieces because, inside, you can breathe history and admire the art of the greatest Florentine artists.
In this post, I will tell you what you can see inside the Basilica and what curiosities you should know about Santa Maria Novella.

Basilica of Santa Maria Novella in Florence: works, history and curiosities

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The Caruso Museum at the Royal Palace of Naples

Museo Caruso | Palazzo Reale Napoli

I am thrilled to present a new museum in Naples.
Following the opening to the public in 2021 of the Casa Museo Enrico Caruso, the Museo Caruso at the Palazzo Reale in Naples has now been created. This museum is the first nationwide dedicated to Enrico Caruso, one of the greatest tenors of all time and an outstanding example of Italian artistic genius.

The Museum dedicated to Caruso at the Royal Palace of Naples

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