Art in Motion: The Challenge and Art of Transporting Works of Art Safely

trasportare opere d'arte

From The Guardian website

The safe transport of works of art is a fundamental aspect of the preservation of the global artistic and cultural heritage. It is a delicate and complex task that requires a deep understanding of the nature of art, careful planning and great attention to detail.

This article will explore the importance and methods of the safe transport of works of art, from practical and technical aspects to international standards and case studies of some of the world’s most famous works of art.

Art in Motion: The Challenge and Art of Transporting Works of Art Safely

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Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute

Basilica Salute Venezia

The Basilica della Salute in Venice is one of the most beautiful in the city and one of the most majestic buildings overlooking the Grand Canal.
This church bears witness to the Venetians’ devotion and gratitude to the Virgin Mary for having freed the city from the terrible plague of 1630, and even today, despite many centuries having passed, every year Venice stops to pay homage to the Madonna.

If you happen to visit Venice on 21 November, you will find yourself at the centre of the celebrations for the Madonna della Salute and you will be able to perform, together with the citizens of Venice, the rite of pilgrimage to the Basilica della Salute, across a temporary votive bridge set up for the occasion and joining the two opposite banks of the Grand Canal.
Here is what you need to know about this church!

Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute

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8 Steps to Write a Brilliant Art Essay

img Steps to Write

Essay writing is a skill that most people learn at school to some extent. However, even the most experienced writers can struggle with essays. The format of an essay can vary, but all of them require you to have academic writing skills and be able to present your thoughts in a structured and succinct way.

Luckily, even if you have never written an essay in your life, you can learn how to do this. Art essays are particularly popular, so you can start with a topic in this field. Without further ado, here are eight steps to write a brilliant art essay.

8 Steps to Write a Brilliant Art Essay

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The Church of San Sebastiano: a masterpiece of art in Venice

img Chiesa San Sebastiano Venezia

In Venice, one comes across many buildings and churches that hold true masterpieces. One of the most interesting churches is a true architectural and artistic jewel: the Church of San Sebastiano.

This sacred place, with its elegant façade and richly decorated interior, is a hidden treasure that captivates visitors with its timeless beauty. In addition to its religious importance, the church of San Sebastiano is famous for housing the artistic masterpieces of one of Venice’s greatest painters: Paolo Veronese.

The Church of San Sebastiano: a masterpiece of art in Venice

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The Church of Santa Maria del Giglio, a Baroque masterpiece in Venice

img Chiesa Santa Maria del Gi.jpgglio facciata

Immersed in the evocative atmosphere of Venice, the Church of Santa Maria del Giglio is a Baroque masterpiece that offers visitors an experience of rare beauty.
Also known as the Church of Santa Maria Zobenigo, this religious building shines with its elaborate façade and sumptuous interior and is one of the must-see sights in Venice.

At first glance, it does not look like a church. In fact, there are no Christian elements in its façade or elements that would suggest it is a place of worship. However, every detail of this place tells stories of faith, art and architectural mastery, enchanting anyone who approaches it.

The Church of Santa Maria del Giglio, a Baroque masterpiece in Venice

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