Bridge of Sighs in Venice: history and curiosities of a masterpiece

Ponte dei Sospiri | monumenti Venezia

In the heart of Venice, stands a bridge full of mystery and romance: the Bridge of Sighs. This iconic stone bridge, with its architectural elegance and fascinating history, enchants me every time I look at it, as it does visitors from all over the world who flock to Venice to admire it.

Together with the Campanile di San Marco, it is one of the most recognisable symbols of Venice and has a fascinating and ancient history, also full of curiosities you should know.

Bridge of Sighs in Venice: history and curiosities of a masterpiece

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How to climb St Mark’s bell tower in Venice?

Campanile San Marco | Musei Venezia

Thanks to an entrance ticket, everyone can see Venice from its highest tower, St Mark’s bell tower: it is in fact one of the few in Italy to have a lift and the view from the top is unmissable, with an enchanting view of the square and the city. The campanile is in fact set in the context of St Mark’s Square, which includes the basilica itself and the Doge’s Palace: a concentration of history, art and wonder over the lagoon.

How to get tickets to climb St Mark’s bell tower

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The Basilica dei Frari, works and curiosities of a Venetian treasure

Basilica dei Frari | Chiese Venezia

The Basilica dei Frari is located in Venice and is situated in the heart of the city.
It is not just a church, but one of the most fascinating Venetian sites rich in masterpieces.
One of the first stops under ‘What to see in Venice‘.

Also known as the Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, this majestic Franciscan church is a veritable treasure trove of works of art, providing an insight into the cultural and religious importance of Venice over the centuries. Every corner of this church is rich in history and beauty and allows anyone who visits it to immerse themselves in a unique experience.

The Basilica dei Frari, works and curiosities of a Venetian treasure

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Ca’ d’Oro, the works of the Giorgio Franchetti Gallery in Venice to see

img galleria Giorgio Franchetti Ca' d'Oro

Among the museums in Venice that you must see at least once in your life is the Ca’ d’Oro. The works housed inside are part of the Giorgio Franchetti Gallery collection in Venice and are housed in the rooms of a palace with a long and rich history.

Not one of the most visited museums in Venice, the Ca’ d’Oro Venice nevertheless exhibits some authentic masterpieces worth discovering.

Ca’ d’Oro, the works of the Giorgio Franchetti Gallery in Venice to see

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Casa Batlló in Barcelona: how to buy tickets online

Antoni Gaudi | Casa Batllo

Casa Batllo. Image source: Thesignofcolor

L’esponente più eccentrico della corrente del Modernismo catalano, Antoni Gaudí, è anche l’architetto dietro alcuni dei luoghi di interesse più celebri di Barcellona, come la Sagrada Familia, Parc Güell e numerose opere di architettura civile, come Casa Batlló, Casa Milà e Casa Vicens. Il biglietto per le tre case di Gaudí in città consente di scoprire il genio dell’artista spagnolo nella progettazione, ma anche nella decorazione degli interni, che insieme a tutte le opere di Gaudí da vedere a Barcellona è espressione del suo stile stravagante ed estremamente personale.

Biglietti online per Casa Batlló

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