Palace of Venaria Reale: some curiosities

Venaria Reale Torino

The Reggia di Venaria Reale, one of the most fascinating and impressive Savoy residences, is located in the heart of Piedmont, a short distance from the city of Turin. This extraordinary complex is a must-see for anyone visiting the region, not only for its architectural beauty but also for the historical wealth it holds. For those wishing to explore all of Piedmont’s royal residences, there is a tourist pass available that facilitates access to these historic sites (you can find it at the end of this post), ensuring a complete experience among historic and central palaces, sumptuous residences, and vacation spots.

What to see at the Palace of Venaria Reale

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Willem de Kooning in Italy between painting and sculpture

Willem de Kooning, c.1975-80, carboncino su pergamena. 60.3 x 47.6 cm. Collezione privata © 2024 The Willem de Kooning Foundation, SIAE

Italy has always influenced the great artists of the past, but in some cases it has transformed their style, and the link with Italy proved to be fundamental to the creation of great masterpieces.
In 1959, Willem de Kooning, already established as a painter, arrived in Italy to make a trip that proved decisive for his career and the evolution of his artistic style. This period not only solidified his position in the global art scene but also enriched his style, leading him to explore new techniques and materials.

Willem de Kooning in Italia

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Between sculptural tradition and innovation: Filippo Tincolini’s workshop in Carrara

Filippo Tincolini Spaceman

Filippo Tincolini, Spaceman, 2022.

In the artistic landscape of Carrara, a world-renowned center for the quality of its marble, Filippo Tincolini’s workshop emerges as a unique meeting point between the ancient art of sculpture and the technological vanguard. Since 2004, when Tincolini opened this space, the workshop has become a place of continuous experimentation and innovation.


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What to see in 3 days in Barcelona if you love art

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The capital of Catalonia is a colorful city that brings together entertainment, the sea, and food and wine delights. Not only that, Barcelona offers an incredible assortment of artistic experiences ranging from world-renowned museums to historic monuments, from lively plazas to urban sculptures and contemporary artworks scattered throughout its streets.

Visiting Barcelona in three days is not easy, especially if you are visiting it for the first time. It is a city in ferment, frequently adding exhibitions, art spaces and always revealing a new aspect of itself. This itinerary I propose allows you to get around Barcelona in a weekend by choosing to devote your stay mainly to art. With a few moments of pure relaxation, of course. On the other hand, if you want to know all the museums in Barcelona, I recommend my dedicated article.


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The theft of Caravaggio’s Nativity with Saints Lawrence and Francis of Assisi


Caravaggio Natività con i Santi Lorenzo e Francesco d'Assisi

On the night of Oct. 17-18, 1969, Caravaggio’s Nativity with Saints Lawrence and Francis of Assisi, one of the masterpieces of Italian Baroque, was stolen under mysterious circumstances from the Oratory Chapel of San Lorenzo in Palermo, Italy.
The theft of this painting, made in 1609 during the last period of Caravaggio’s life, left a void in art history and is still the most enigmatic art theft that occurred in Italy.


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