The works of Muholi, between art, self-portraiture and activism

img Muholi opere Aphelile

Muholi is one of the most interesting voices of Visual Activism and investigates issues such as racism, Eurocentrism, feminism and sexual politics with her works.
Her works are all part of a series of self-portraits that the artist began taking in 2012 and which has not yet been completed.

Her self-portraits were born out of deep pain and an urgency to denounce what is wrong. They were also recently exhibited in Italy in the exhibition Muholi. A Visual Activist.

The works of Zanele Muholi
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Bal au Moulin de la Galette by Renoir

Renoir | Le Moulin de la Galette

Renoir, Le Moulin de la Galette

Bal au Moulin de la Galette by Renoir is an Impressionist painting, made in 1876, depicting a scene of social life in the Parisian district of Montmartre in which the inhabitants enjoy dancing and socialising on a Sunday afternoon.

The work is the result of many months of work that allowed Renoir to create one of his most important masterpieces.

Bal au Moulin de la Galette by Renoir

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What to publish in the Twitter profile of a gallery or museum

img Twitter art

Those who have to narrate culture on social media know the importance of fast and rapid communication.
If you too have tried to create art content for social media, you will certainly have come up against the need to give concise information without trivialising the message. Which is by no means easy, especially when you have to communicate the complexity of an art project or cultural event.

On Twitter all this is definitely more complicated because there are very few characters available, one cannot edit the content already published, and even the number of images to be inserted is limited.
Twitter, however, was my first love and in this post I want to tell you why it is still a great communication tool for art galleries and museums.

The Twitter profile of a gallery or museum

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Life and works of Renoir: five things to know

Renoir | Ritratto di Bazille

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Ritratto di Bazille (1867), museo d’Orsay, Parigi

Renoir’s life and works are full of love, light and colour. Indeed, the artist created his masterpieces by drawing on the experiences of his life and described what he saw and experienced with rapid brushstrokes, creating images that seem barely sketched.
Famous for his Impressionist style and for his paintings depicting everyday life, nature and the women in his life, his paintings depict scenes of Parisian life at the time.

Renoir’s art influenced many other artists, including Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso, and in this post I will tell you about his works in five points.

Life and works of Renoir

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