Davanzati Palace Museum in Florence: what to see

Palazzo Davanzati | musei Firenze


Seven centuries of history, 2000 square metres of floor space, 450 works (plus some 2000 lace works) spread over three floors. These are the numbers of the Palazzo Davanzati museum, which is an integral part of the Bargello Museums group.

It is one of the oldest and best preserved medieval buildings in the city of Florence. It is a place full of charm and allows visitors to immerse themselves in the ambience of an ancient Florentine residence.

Davanzati Palace Museum

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Perceptual sensitivities in the works of Grazia Varisco

Grazia Varisco | Quadri comunicanti

Quadri comunicanti, 2008, quattro elementi in ferro e alluminio, 64 × 49 cm l’uno


Grazia Varisco’s works are fundamental to the development of kinetic and programmed art.
Since her early days, when the artist joined Gruppo T in Milan in the early 1960s, she has been interested in the themes of perception and experimentation.

“In my experience ‘chance’ creeps, like a confused tangle, between probability and doubt. Chance’ avoids, attempts to dodge ‘chaos’ and settle in space and time, ignoring the rule that demands precision, regularity, orthogonality, order, chronological sequence. My ‘If…’, doubtful, lurks in the fold of the page that by ‘chance’ disrupts the rule that in typography and bookbinding cages everything in normality”.

With these words, Grazia Varisco presents the contents of her research. In this post we discover her works.

The works of Grazia Varisco

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The Max Ernst exhibition in Milan

Max Ernst | angelo del focolare

Max Ernst, L’angelo del focolare, 1937
Olio su tela, 114 x 146 cm
Collezione privata, Svizzera Classicpaintings / Alamy Stock Photo © Max Ernst by SIAE 2022


The breadth of themes and experimentation in Max Ernst’s work spans seventy years of 20th century history, between Europe and the United States, eluding any definition.
The Max Ernst exhibition in Milan is the first major Italian retrospective dedicated to an artist who was a visionary interpreter of art history, philosophy, science and alchemy.

Max Ernst was to all intents and purposes a humanist in the neo-Renaissance sense, and in this exhibition his works allow us to delve into every aspect of his life and work.

The Max Ernst exhibition in Milan

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Luigi Pericle’s works of art: a rediscovery

Luigi Pericle | A Rediscovery

Luigi Pericle: A Rediscovery (14 September – 18 December 2022). Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art, London. Photo Credit Arabella Shelbourne


At last Luigi Pericle’s works have definitely found the right place in history of art.
After a long period of time in which no one has heard of Luigi Pericle, now his work has been rediscovered, and events follow one upon the other, so you can admire his works, understand the greatness of his message and draw inspiration from his life.

I visited the London exhibition dedicated to Luigi Pericle and, once again, I was left speechless by the works of this artist who always amazes.

The works of art of Luigi Pericle

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Olyvia Kwok’s Autumn 2022 Report – What’s New in Art

img mercato dell'arte

Olyvia Kwok’s Autumn 2022 Report – What’s New in Art

Autumn has long been the highlight of the art world’s calendar. With exhibitions in capital cities such as London, New York, Hong Kong and Shanghai that attract art enthusiasts from far and wide, there is perhaps no better time to explore, invest and sell.

However, over the years since the COVID pandemic was in full force, we’ve witnessed significant changes that have transformed the world as we know it.

With online viewing rooms (OVRs) NFTs and an explosion in the online art world, the remainder of 2022 looks set to be an exciting time. Art vendors, collectors, investors and artists are more likely than ever to break the traditional mould and look toward an even brighter and more profitable future.

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