Visit the Mauritshuis: a small jewel of Dutch art

Mauritshuis | musei Olanda


If you are in the Netherlands and have the chance to pass through Den Haag (The Hague), you cannot miss the artistic gem this city has in store for you.
The Mauritshuis Museum is a small art gallery that houses the major works of the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century.

From Rembrandt’s works to Vermeer’s famous still lifes, for which the Dutch were so admired, in this treasure trove of beauty you will find paintings to suit all tastes in an equally impressive location.
The Mauritshuis in fact owes its name to Johan Maurits, the first occupant of the residence and Count of Nassau-Siegen, who had the building constructed between 1633 and 1644.
You will thus find yourself strolling through the rooms of the museum admiring not only the wonderful paintings, but also the palace itself.

Chiara Bressan visited the Mauritshuis for The ART post Blog this fascinating museum and here she proposes some of the must-see works.

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The countercultural stories of Jago, Banksy, TvBoy on show

jago banksy tvboy | mostre Bologna


The works of Jago, Banksy and TvBoy on display in Bologna to create a ‘virtual’ dialogue between the mysterious British artist and two of Italy’s most influential artists.

What do these three artists have in common to justify an exhibition that, with 60 works on display, presents itself as one of the most important on the contemporary art scene?
What they have in common is the fact that they have subverted the rules of art, refusing to become part of a system that squeezes artists rather than enhancing them, excludes the best to make room for those who are better at fitting into an economic system.

Jago, Banksy, TvBoy

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Photography as information technology

Fotografo sconosciuto, pubblicità della Recordak con etichetta "Tutti questi assegni in 30 metri di rullino. Un bel risparmio", 1955 c. Università di Rochester, Libri Rari, Collezioni Speciali e Conservazione (RBSCP), Kodak Historical Collection / Photographer unknown, photo for a Recordak ad, labelled "All those checks in a 100-foot roll. That's economy", ca. 1955. University of Rochester, Rare Books,

Fotografo sconosciuto, pubblicità della Recordak con etichetta “Tutti questi assegni in 30 metri di rullino. Un bel risparmio”, 1955 c. Università di Rochester, Libri Rari, Collezioni Speciali e Conservazione (RBSCP), Kodak Historical Collection / Photographer unknown, photo for a Recordak ad, labelled “All those checks in a 100-foot roll. That’s economy”, ca. 1955. University of Rochester, Rare Books.


How many photographs have you taken with your smartphone in the last seven days? How many images have you received and left stored on your phone?

Photography is an integral part of our lives.
From its inception to the present day, it has had the ability to insert itself into every area of society, from science to art, from politics to information, from industry to the personal lives of each of us.

An exhibition in Bologna tells a different story of photography, one that goes beyond the fact that photography is an art, but considers this tool in its countless practical uses and communicative power.

Photography as information technology

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PASSION FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Works from Paul Klee to Damien Hirst on show

img mostra Passione Novecento Palazzo Medici Riccardi


From Paul Klee to Damien Hirst, works that tell the story of collecting are on display at Palazzo Medici, in Florence, for an exhibition that tells the story of love for art and culture.

From 24 September 2022 to 8 January 2023 in the palace where modern collecting was born at the time of Cosimo the Elder and Lorenzo The Magnificent, a prestigious selection of works by 20th-century masters from Florentine and Tuscan private collections will be on public display.

From Paul Klee to Damien Hirst


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Magritte’s Lovers meaning and description

magritte | amanti


Magritte’s kisses and lovers are frequent themes in the surrealist artist’s paintings.
There is one work, however, that still fascinates today as the two lovers depicted have their faces covered by a white cloth and one cannot help but wonder why and what the meaning of the painting is

Magritte’s Lovers

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