Gastone Novelli in Saturnia

Gastone Novelli | mostre arte


Gastone Novelli was born in Vienna in 1925 and died in Milan in 1968.
His life was short but his artistic career was singular and rebellious. His disappointment with the artistic and intellectual circles of his time is well known.

Gastone Novelli refuses a linear view of history and any rigid categorisation, but organises the stimuli from reality – landscape, mythology, fragments of his biography and literature – according to a personal coherence.

Gastone Novelli in Saturnia

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Serj’s works between past and present

Serj | olio si tela

Serj, Untitled, 2022, olio su tela, 140×180 cm. Ph. Michele Alberto Sereni


Serj was born in Bergamo in 1985 but lives and works in Berlin.
His work takes shape through a progressive analysis linked to the concept of the work of art as a ‘machine’, an organism composed of elements capable of generating a space of possibilities and producing meaning, knowledge, orientation.

His latest works aim to create a relationship with the architecture and frescoes of the 15th-century Palazzo Oldofredi Tadini Botti in Torre Pallavicina (Bergamo).

Dialogue between past and present at Palazzo Oldofredi Tadini Botti

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Beauty in contemporary art

Giorgio de Chirico | Ettore e Andromaca

Giorgio de Chirico, Ettore e Andromaca (1956)


Only 20th-century artists have succeeded in demonstrating that beauty is not an aesthetic factor but something that comes from deep within and can be found even in the smallest and most insignificant thing.

Is it possible to describe beauty in contemporary art and its meaning in artistic research through some of the great masterpieces and unpublished works of the 20th century?
21Gallery in Treviso tries with an exhibition that compares the works of Afro, Giacomo Balla, Alighiero Boetti, Giorgio de Chirico, Fortunato Depero and many other 20th-century artists.

Beauty in contemporary art

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Gribouillage: when doodling becomes art

gribouillage | scarabocchio


I had the opportunity to visit an exhibition that, with unusual juxtapositions, sheds light on lesser-known aspects of the practice of drawing.
Gribouillage/Scarabocchio. From Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly is the exhibition curated by Francesca Alberti and Diane Bodart that takes place first in Rome, at the Academy of France – Villa Medici, then in Paris, at the Beaux-Arts.

The exhibition project explores the hidden side of art making and invites visitors to move their gaze to the back of paintings, the walls of workshops, the margins of a book or the walls of cities.
Two complementary exhibitions to address the many facets of doodling in art.

In this post I propose the sections of the Rome exhibition, which has the merit of underlining how experimentation and the search for a primordial sign, which does not respect any academic rule, is a necessity present not only in the contemporary era.
Gribouillage: when doodling becomes art

Gribouillage: when doodling becomes art

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