Short circuit: the new project of the Civic Museums in Venice


Corto circuito. Dialogo tra i secoli (Short circuit. A dialogue between the centuries): the new project of the Civic Museums in Venice

Can contemporary art dialogue with all the artistic production of previous centuries?
This is the question that the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia (Venice Civic Museums Foundation) has asked itself, and then it has decided to launch a project which is also a challenge: a series of appointments dedicated to modern and contemporary art held at the Centro Culturale Candiani in Mestre, Venice (the Candiani Cultural Centre), where some artworks belonging to the rich heritage of the city of Venice are on display.

The cycle of exhibitions planned by Gabriella Belli, Director of the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and the Doge’s Palace, starts with the exhibition “Attorno a Klimt. Giuditta, eroismo e seduzione” (“Around Klimt. Judith, heroism and seduction”), which runs from December 14th 2016 to March 5th 2017, and is centred on the biblical figure of Judith.

Starting from Klimt’s masterpiece, acquired by the Municipality of Venice at the 1910 Venice Biennale for the Museum of Modern Art in Venice, the exhibition itinerary examines the myth of the femme fatale, who since ancient times has fascinated men and public.

Corto Circuito. Dialogo tra i secoli
Attorno a Klimt. Giuditta, eroismo e seduzione
14 december 2016 – 5 march 2017
Centro Culturale Candiani, Piazzale Candiani, 7 – Venice – Mestre



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