The Blog’s third birthday
Among an exhibition, a museum, an event and a preview, and almost without realizing it, today we celebrate the blog’s third birthday.
That’s right!
Three years ago I decided to start a blog in order to write what was happening to me and what I couldn’t find on the Web.
In the beginning, my blog was a kind of “messy notes of ideas about exhibitions to see, museums to discover, and cities to visit”; but since then many things have changed.
I never imagined that I would know so many people, shake hands with them, join in any kind of exclusive inaugurations, and, especially, organize events for my readers.
If three years ago someone had told me that I would celebrate this special birthday together with a group of my readers, in order to see an art exhibition, I wouldn’t have believed it!
Today we celebrate the Art post Blog’s birthday in Treviso, at the Casa dei Carraresi, by visiting the exhibition dedicated to El Greco, and by making a toast together with you.
Even though you won’t be present at the event, you can take part in the event on Instagram and on Twitter, leaving a comment under the images and the tweets I will publish.
READ ALSO: In tour with me. Events by ART post Blog.
Auguri, Caterina! Anche LessIsSexy è nato il 1° aprile 2013 e felice di scoprirti e conosceri oggi, un abbraccio e spero a presto! Gloria
Grazie Gloria 🙂 Il 1° Aprile porta buone idee e anche fortuna!
Auguri anche a te.