Taking one of the trains to Vienna means going through Austria admiring the landscape and enjoying the pleasure of a slow journey.
The Austrian Federal Railways inaugurated the new Railjet “Spirit of Venezia”, which from December 10th 2017 connects directly Venice with Vienna, and allows you to get off at some intermediate stops, as well.
I took part in the Railjet’s maiden voyage!
I departed from Venice and I had a stopover in Villach to visit its Christmas markets.
Here in this post I’ll tell how my journey was 😉
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The ÖBB Railjet is the most modern and fastest high-speed long-distance train in the ÖBB fleet connecting Venice with Vienna: there are two daily departures from Venice and two daily departures from Vienna (at the end of the post you’ll find the times and ticket price of the trains to Vienna).
But the new trains to Vienna give you the chance to reach other interesting places along the route from Venice to Vienna, as well and I caught the train to enjoy a same-day visit to the Christmas markets in Villach
The train journey was short (it took only 3 hours and 15 minutes) and it allowed me to spend almost 4 hours in Villach. I had just enough time to walk through its historic centre, do shopping and drink an orange punch.
At Christmas Villach is surrounded by light and a magical atmosphere pervades the streets of its historic centre.
The Christmas markets in Villach certainly deserve to be put on my list of Christmas markets to visit.
Moreover, Villach is culturally very interesting, because its history dates back to the Roman period, but it experienced the period of greatest splendour during the Renaissance.
In addition to being fast and comfortable, the ÖBB Railjet offers an on-board restaurant with seats, and if you book a first class ticket food and drink are served at your seat.
The train has also a children area where little passengers can relax watching cartoons in a small cinema.
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Tickets: from € 29 and free tickets for children up to 15 years old if accompanied by parents or grandparents.
You can book your ticket online on
Times: The ÖBB Railjet departs every day from Venice at 9.55 am (arrival at Vienna railway station at 5.35 pm), and at 3.55 pm (arrival at Vienna railway station at 11.35 pm).
The ÖBB Railjet departs every day from Vienna at 6.25 am (arrival at Venice railway station at 2.05 pm), and at 12.25 am (arrival at Venice railway station at 8.05 pm).
Intermediate stops: Venice-Mestre, Treviso, Conegliano, Pordenone, Udine, Tarvisio, Villach, Klagenfurt, Linz, Vienna Meidling, Vienna.
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Ciao. Stavo per prenotare con la mia famiglia il treno per trascorrere a Vienna il periodo natalizio. Guardando però l’orario mi sono resa conto che, rispetto a quanto letto nel tuo post, la sosta a Villach è una scelta del viaggiatore e quindi non si potrebbero lasciare i bagagli nel vagone, ma dovremmo tenerli con noi.
È corretto?
Trattandosi di un treno, ogni viaggiatore scende alla fermata che desidera. Se volete scendere a Villach dovete per forza portarvi i bagagli e depositarli, ad esempio, in stazione. Dovete poi attendere il treno successivo per proseguire verso Vienna.
Buongiorno, vorrei sapere se su questo treno è possibile far viaggiare anche cagnolini di piccola taglia in apposito trasportino. Grazie. Valeria
Credo proprio di sì. Io non ne ho visti quando l’ho usato per il mio viaggio ma è un treno pensato per qualsiasi tipo di viaggiatore 🙂
Per sicurezza fai riferimento alle informazioni sul sito ufficiale 🙂
Buongiorno, avrei bisogno di sapere se è possibile arrivare a Vienna prima della sera circa (non alle 21.35….) grazke e buona giornata
Devi verificare nel sito ufficiale delle ferrovie austriache.