Where to go and which museums to see in Paris in two days

Torre Eiffel | Parigi

Would you like to stroll through the romantic streets of Paris and immerse yourself in its atmosphere rich in history and art? Paris, with its timeless elegance and museums, is a destination that enchants every visitor. In this post, I propose a two-day itinerary in Paris to explore the masterpieces and beauty this city has to offer.


nike samotracia

La Nike di Samotracia al Louvre



We begin our two-day tour of Paris with the Louvre Museum, one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. In fact, the building housing one of the largest art collections in the world was not always a museum but was born to be a Royal Palace. Its size, however, has adapted well to house an incredible amount of masterpieces and art objects, including iconic works such as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace, also known as Nike.

Prepare to get lost in the halls of the Louvre, on a journey through art history, but first make sure you book tickets to the Louvre because it’s practically compulsory. Otherwise, when you find yourself at the entrance, you’ll have to book your visit for another day.

Notre-Dame de Paris | chiese Parigi

L’interno di Notre-Dame de Paris prima dell’incendio del 2019.


After your visit to the Louvre, you will realise that you have spent what seems like a whole day inside the museum.
If you still haven’t had enough of art and beauty then I suggest you head for Notre-Dame.
Notre-Dame Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and style, badly damaged by a fire a few years ago and now under restoration.
The cathedral, with its spires, rose windows and gargoyles, is a symbol of French art and history. Despite the damage suffered in the 2019 fire, Notre-Dame remains a place of extraordinary beauty and spirituality.



The second day is dedicated to discovering the works of the Musée d’Orsay, located inside the renovated Orsay railway station. This museum houses the largest collection of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism works in the world, with masterpieces by artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, Degas and Renoir.

In a way, it is the natural continuation of a visit to the Louvre and by visiting the Musée d’Orsay you can truly claim to have seen the best of Parisian art. Basically, it is a must for lovers of modern art!
We conclude our itinerary with a stroll through the Montmartre district, known for its bohemian atmosphere and for having been the refuge of artists such as Picasso and Toulouse-Lautrec.
Explore the cobbled streets, quaint cafés and art shops, and don’t miss a visit to the Sacré-Coeur Basilica, located at the top of the hill and offering one of the most spectacular views of Paris.

musee d'orsay | musei Parigi

Museo d’Orsay

In just two days, this itinerary will immerse you in the artistic and cultural heart of Paris, leaving you spellbound by its history, art and timeless beauty. Paris is waiting to give you an unforgettable experience, a journey through the centuries in one of the world’s best-loved and most celebrated cities.

If at the end of these two days you still want to admire the city’s most interesting neighbourhoods, I recommend boarding a Paris sightseeing bus, which will allow you to reach the most beautiful places at your leisure, listening to the explanations of an audio guide.

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