Loneliness in the works of Federica Poletti

Federica Poletti | opere

Federica Poletti, Ufficio delle tenebre, trittico, 2022, olio su tavola, cm 70×150, particolare


Federica Poletti (Modena, 1980) graduated in Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.
She expresses herself through painting, which she approached during her studies, later becoming a student of painter Andrea Chiesi.

The works of Federica Poletti

Federica Poletti | quadri

Federica Poletti, Attrito, 2022, olio su tavola, cm 150×120

The humanity painted in oils in Federica Poletti’s works is characterised by loneliness.
Observing her paintings, one feels pervaded by a sense of unease and inadequacy at not being able to fully comprehend the pain and suffering of fragile, lonely eyes and bodies.
There is loneliness in her works but also distance and anger.

Over the years, Federica Poletti’s works have been shown in various exhibitions abroad and in Italy. She has taken part in solo exhibitions from Berlin to Modena itself, the city where she lives and works.
She has participated in group exhibitions in Italy and Spain, from Barcelona to Malaga.
Her works have been selected for various editions of festivalfilosofia (2019, 2021, 2022). A finalist at Premio Nocivelli and Combat Prize, he won the Talent Prize at Paratissima Milano and the Art Rights Prize at Hub Art gallery, Milan.

To learn more about his work and his artworks visit his official website: www.federicapoletti.com.


The Modenese artists Enrica Berselli, Alice Padovani and Federica Poletti, reference artists on the contemporary art scene, are the protagonists of the exhibition ‘Figlie del fuoco’ (Daughters of fire), curated by Barbara Codogno, scheduled from 6 July to 18 September 2022 at the Complesso di San Paolo in Modena, recently restored and returned to the city for cultural events.

Enrica Berselli, Alice Padovani, Federica Poletti
Curated by Barbara Codogno
Complex of San Paolo, Modena
6 July – 18 September 2022

The exhibition takes place in the spaces of the Ex Chiesa and the Sala delle Monache and includes paintings by Federica Poletti in which the unspoken emerges despite its masking.
The title of one of the oils in the exhibition – ‘Friction’ – was given to Poletti by Massimo Recalcati, as a tribute to the hiatus of being, the friction of existence.

The title of the exhibition – ‘Daughters of Fire‘ – refers to the work that sealed the brief earthly existence of the Romantic writer Gérard de Nerval, the first to elect the dream as a bridge between reality and the supernatural (übernatürlich).


Le artiste modenesi Enrica Berselli, Alice Padovani e Federica Poletti, artiste di riferimento del panorama artistico contemporaneo, sono protagoniste della mostra “Figlie del fuoco“, a cura di Barbara Codogno, in programma dal 6 luglio al 18 settembre 2022 presso il Complesso di San Paolo a Modena, recentemente restaurato e restituito alla città per eventi a carattere culturale.

Enrica Berselli, Alice Padovani, Federica Poletti
A cura di Barbara Codogno
Complesso di San Paolo, Modena
6 luglio – 18 settembre 2022

La mostra si sviluppa negli spazi dell’Ex Chiesa e della Sala delle Monache e sono presenti anche i dipinti di Federica Poletti in cui il non detto affiora nonostante il suo mascheramento.
Il titolo di uno degli oli in mostra – “Attrito” – è stato donato a Poletti da Massimo Recalcati, in omaggio allo iato dell’essere, alla frizione dell’esistere.

Il titolo della mostra – “Figlie del fuoco” – fa riferimento all’opera che sigilla la breve esistenza terrena dello scrittore romantico Gérard de Nerval, il primo ad eleggere il sogno a ponte tra la realtà e il soprannaturale (übernatürlich).

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